Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 1 11-08-2005 , 05:38 AM
Shadeblade's Avatar
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Is there an easier way to Center the Pivot of an object?

Is there any hot key I can use to center the Pivot of an object, rather than going to Modify>Center Pivot?

Nobody felt like avenging your death. Sorry.
# 2 11-08-2005 , 06:26 AM
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Scotland
Posts: 74
Hold down shift and ctrl - then go to the Modify menu then release the mouse button, (when positioned over the Center Pivot command). The short cut will appear on the shelf that is currently active - so it's best to have the shelf you want the short cut in to be set first.

If you select the wrong command, by mistake, you can middle mouse button drag the short cut into the bucket (above right of the shelves). You can also reorganise the shelf buttons my middle mouse button dragging them arround, inside the shelf.

REMEMBER to save your shelves before quiting Maya.......

# 3 11-08-2005 , 07:11 AM
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You could also create your own hotkey for it in the Hotkey Editor.

Danny Ngan
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