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# 1 30-07-2005 , 07:49 PM
ryuhayabusa13's Avatar
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Posts: 40

skinning problem skin bound at different pose


does anyone for any chance know any tutorials to some rigging troubleshooting problems such as "skin bound To different pose?"
I had to stop animating my character because i noticed the hands were not attached to the joints, when i tried to bind them again, It gave me that error message. i tried a lot of things. Deleting the hand joints and creating them again and trying to reattach them again, but still the same error. My character is a robot, therefore i just parented all the joints instead of binding the skin. Then I built the hands last and tried using rigid bind.

Has anyone encountered similar problems when trying to skin their characters?
I apologize that i am a newbie and perhaps I should have posted this on the newbies section, but if anyone has had these kind of problems, figured it out and would like to share their solution, it would greatly be appreciated.

"It is Difficult to understand the universe if you only study one planet"
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Last edited by ryuhayabusa13; 02-08-2005 at 01:58 AM.
# 2 17-08-2005 , 08:23 PM
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Posts: 9
try in animation mode to go skin/go to bind pose, then detach or fix whatever you need to fix.

# 3 18-08-2005 , 03:17 PM
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Thanks a lot. I also used the skin>Go to Bind pose and coundn't achieve the bind pose in my case, but but after a long time of trial and error, I realized that i had to delete the ik handles located on the wrist and arm joints for the skeleton to go back to neutral pose. That's how it worked finally. But thanks a lot for replying to my post. It is greatly apreciated.

"It is Difficult to understand the universe if you only study one planet"
-Miyamoto Musashi-
# 4 19-08-2005 , 12:32 AM
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Posts: 43
instead of deleting the IK you can also go to Modify>Evaluate nodes>Turn off all (or just IK)

# 5 19-08-2005 , 09:40 PM
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Posts: 40
Oh that I didn't Know I could do. If i had known, it would have saved me so much time.

"It is Difficult to understand the universe if you only study one planet"
-Miyamoto Musashi-
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