Beer glass scene creation
This course contains a little bit of everything with modeling, UVing, texturing and dynamics in Maya, as well as compositing multilayered EXR's in Photoshop.
# 1 15-08-2005 , 12:51 AM
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Maya and Games/Programming

I want to start making my own game, but I dont know exactly where to start. I know I need a engine, and Ive talked to some friends who play(ed) Unreal. I know you can use its engine to modify/create your own game. I also read on Alias' site that Maya is used for most games created now-a-days. Does anyone have any pointers or suggestions on where to start? I want to make a 3D game, like a FPS (first person shooter). I know how to use Maya pretty well, and have Maya 5 Unlimited. Thanx for any information. user added image

- Hybrid
# 2 16-08-2005 , 03:43 AM
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Games go far beyond 3d models and include scripts to drive AI (if singleplayer or a BIA type game), terrain creation in UnrealEd, etc.

If you want a standard indoors map in Unreal Engine, the best thing you can do is download the ActorX for Maya 5 plugin ( then read up on the UnrealWiki's starter tutorials: (

Just start small -- and when you have problems, ask here, Atari, or any modding-based forum for UnrealEngine.

Note: Each unrealengine based game has its own editor, and some not at all. UnrealTournament ALWAYS has an editor, and games like BIA (Brothers in Arms -- an UnrealEngine game) have editors aswell. Both Epic and Gearbox (developers of each respective games) are really very community oriented, and atleast in Gearbox I've seen a dev or two regularly answer questions newbie modders have.

# 3 20-08-2005 , 11:22 PM
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Do I have to own a copy of any of the Unreal games, or can I just get the UnrealEngine Runtime..?

- Hybrid
# 4 21-08-2005 , 06:42 PM
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Sorry for the delay, but you need to own one of the Unreal games.

You can possibly go after Crystal Space or one of the other opensource 3d Engines -- but you'll find a lot more people use commercial engines :p

UT 2004 is the best game to buy to get UnrealWarfare Engine (unless you want to wait 'til 2007 to bask in UnrealEngine3 with its like -- 1->1.5 million polygon rendering, massive shader capacities, and so much more to make a modder fall over in a fit of convulsions.)

Before you buy, check out unrealwiki (again: and see its capacities... its pretty large though most of its capacities require abstract thinking:

For example, destructible scenery is possible -- but there's no code for it... rather you need to create an actor (object) which has health -- and when that health reaches certain levels make it do things:

Change models to semi-damage models
Force other object to animate
Blow up
Cause damage

So if you got abstract thinking -- then you're pretty well good to go, if you don't than it may be a good idea to form up a team of people.

Read through all "The Layman's Guide to Making Mods" tutorials -- its all about basic management of teams.

# 5 23-08-2005 , 08:56 PM
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I have heard the Crystal Space engine is very good, but I just wanted to throw in that there is also the Source engine (the engine created by Valve Software for Half Life 2 and friends).

Valve has a great Developer Wiki set up, you can check it out at:

Just another engine to consider user added image Like the Unreal Engine, you must own Half Life 2, Counter Strike: Source, or another game that uses the engine.

# 6 25-08-2005 , 02:06 AM
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# 7 25-08-2005 , 11:54 PM
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Actually, aparently there IS an UnrealEngine2 runtime available -- though whatever you create is NOT allowed to be released in any way shape or form -- not even just for free.

and the EULA is

Also: Its much easier to develop in UnrealEngine2 if you have UnrealTournament2004 there to reference off of. All the "actors" in UT2004 are "opensource" which means along with learning from UnrealWiki you also can learn from UnrealTournament itself.

# 8 27-08-2005 , 02:39 PM
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I just coded mine in directX

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
# 9 27-08-2005 , 08:17 PM
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Originally posted by Phopojijo
Actually, aparently there IS an UnrealEngine2 runtime available....

Yea..thats what I downloaded in the first place. I thought thats what you said to actually I did alittle searching, and D/L'ed the demo. If I had 8 grand lying around...Id buy a licensed version. Thanx for all the info Phopojijo. user added image

- Hybrid
# 10 29-08-2005 , 02:50 AM
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8 Grand?

I thought it was MUCH higher than that! iD charges 250K

# 11 29-08-2005 , 07:24 PM
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If I remember right, its $7,999 for the UnrealEngine2, for one copy. The more you buy/license, the cheaper they are. If you get 10+ its only $3,999. But thats according to the UnrealTechnology page....if I remember user added image

- Hybrid
# 12 29-08-2005 , 07:33 PM
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Are you talking about COMMERCIAL licenses?

Edit: UE3 Commercial license is estimated at 350k, though no-one's taking credit for that estimate because they're all under NDA.

# 13 30-08-2005 , 04:10 PM
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If you're looking to buy an engine, you might wanna check out Torque which is the engine used to create Tribes 2. It's only $100 and if you release anything that makes you more than some ammount of money, you have to pay royalties... Can't remember the figures, but I'm pretty sure they're somewhere on the link...

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