Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 106 14-09-2005 , 10:22 PM
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Last edited by vladimirjp; 14-09-2005 at 10:42 PM.
# 107 15-09-2005 , 01:20 AM
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hey, nice, i havent found that site before. thanks for that.

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# 108 15-09-2005 , 02:38 PM
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Hi all.
Finally taken him out of bind pose. Im trying a few diffrent positions, but kinda like this one for the scene. But they may change. Nothing here is concrete at the moment, the lighting and background is all just experiments.
Basically im getting rid of the knife, cause its not cutting it. lol get it.. not cutting it.. ahh i crack me up user added image
Im really peaceing this scene together as i go. Hes going to be in the city, but a city that has been dead for thousands of years. So now it has all overgrown with jungle, because of climit change. So i guess you could say the year was 4000 AD.
Theres going to be a mixture of old technology lying around, and hes going to be holding a rench in his hand instead of a knife... Now why is he holding the rench. who knows.. maybe he is fixing something up,... making something from the parts left over..
Theres going to be a elephant in the background, .. just because ive modeled the dam thing and im going to use it.. lol.. i was thinking of dressing the elephant up in some sort of harness.
The "Vine" that he is holding, is actually not a vine, but old powerlines, that he now swings from.

Well you guys are welcome to help me build the story, so i can build the scene.

Let me know you thoughts user added image

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# 109 16-09-2005 , 02:09 AM
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been playing with the lighting a little, and now using fg with mr to get the more desired result. This is just a preview render.
Also, im playing with differnt poses at the moment. Cant quite work out what i want.

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There's nothing normal about normals. In FACT i think the are abnormal.

Last edited by antiant; 16-09-2005 at 02:12 AM.
# 110 16-09-2005 , 09:58 AM
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looking real good, nice lighting user added image

his bent knee (on the left of the scene) looks rubbery though as if its bending in a slightly wrong place or the muscle above has bent a little too much with the joint.

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# 111 16-09-2005 , 10:01 AM
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ya thanks, i agree.
I had orginally only skinned him into that position, but now im not so sure that i like the pose, i went and skinned all of him, so now i can put him in any position i want. I will come up with something sortly.
Thanks for the reply

There's nothing normal about normals. In FACT i think the are abnormal.
# 112 16-09-2005 , 11:08 AM
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Posts: 274
once uve modeled and textured everyhitn i recon u shud do a couple of shots, try a swinging thru air with a little motion blur random birds and monkeys sitting around

# 113 16-09-2005 , 02:13 PM
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Wrench anyone? or is it rench? hmm.
Well this is what he will be holding instead of the knife. I could have added a little more detail around the edges but i really see no need to since you never going to notice it from the distance it will be from the camera.

Matt- Sure sounds like a great idea. I will probably make a monkey a little down the track. But knowing me i might get up in the morning and decide to do it, lol
I most probably will do a small animation after the scene. Might as well for all the work thats going into it.

P.S from suggestion from others, i have decided that hes going to be in a greek city. So that way i can model some interesting greek monuments.

Cheers All, and i appricaiate everyones interest user added image

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There's nothing normal about normals. In FACT i think the are abnormal.
# 114 16-09-2005 , 02:51 PM
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didnt realise they had jungles in greece

# 115 16-09-2005 , 02:54 PM
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ahh you must read the post up higher user added image

It is the year 4000 AD, and the city of greece is dead, and the climit change has caused the city to turn into a jungle. With a mixture of old and new technologys.

There's nothing normal about normals. In FACT i think the are abnormal.
# 116 16-09-2005 , 02:56 PM
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Posts: 274
aah user added image makes sense ;p but just to be anoyin irecon the water level wud have rissen by then cos there wud be no ice caps :p = no greece user added image hehe (only messin hehe :p)

# 117 16-09-2005 , 02:58 PM
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ahhh true true.. im going to have to make sure i have plenty of water lying around.
You dont have any ideas for his pose do you? do you like the pose hes in?

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# 118 16-09-2005 , 03:28 PM
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Posts: 274
(u dont have to do water i was only messin about) :p yeah his pose is prety cool, u cud try erm, him in a squating position sat on a tree eating some kina fruit

# 119 16-09-2005 , 03:41 PM
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eating fruits not bad. i did try him squating, but i kinda got work out i guess what hes doing in the scene before i can work out the position.
Heres just an idea.. Cause i cant draw for squat, i just merged some photos together.

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There's nothing normal about normals. In FACT i think the are abnormal.
# 120 16-09-2005 , 04:25 PM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 274
yeah thats cool! lol i was just about to say "wow thats a very reslistic monkey and you made it so fast!" hehe :p

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