Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 1 09-01-2006 , 04:49 AM
daffas's Avatar
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Posts: 193

First model

Hey everyone here is my first model posting here. This Character is from the tutorial dvd from simply maya. so what do you think? I cant get it to look smoother also i dont know why. and when i duplicate any thing its always overlapped or not touching so what should i do?

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# 2 09-01-2006 , 05:45 AM
gohan1842's Avatar
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Go to Polygons->Smooth.

I'm not a geek. I'm a nerd.

msn -
I'm up for a chat anytime.
# 3 09-01-2006 , 09:14 AM
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Just use smooth (as described) to view your model smoothed - always remember to undo it before carrying on modelling.

If you smooth it, delete history and then save it then you'll not be able to go back to the unsmoothed version.

Overlapping problem:
Before duplicating the other half, go to front view, click on a vertice which will overlap, press and hold x (snaps to the grid) and move the left-right move arrow. The vertice will snap to each part of the grid you move the mouse over - move it to the central line. Do this for all the offending vertices then do your usual duplicate command and they should all be sitting nicely without any overlap.

Looks like the model is coming on well - keep it up user added image

Examples of bTraffic - a traffic animation tool for Maya
bFlocking - a tool for Maya 8.5+ to generate flocking and swarming behaviours
Jan/Feb Challenge 2007 Entry and W.I.P
May/Jun Challenge 2006 Entry and W.I.P
Mar/Apr Challenge 2006 Entry and W.I.P
Jan/Feb Challenge 2006 Entry and W.I.P
Nov/Dec Challenge 2005 Entry and W.I.P
Sep/Oct Challenge 2005 Entry and W.I.P
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Last edited by t1ck135; 09-01-2006 at 09:21 AM.
# 4 09-01-2006 , 09:51 PM
daffas's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2005
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Posts: 193
Thankyou, you guys helped me out alot here is what i got.

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Here is 2 more character screenshots. I am almost done i just have to add detail and texture.

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Last edited by daffas; 12-01-2006 at 10:44 PM.
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