Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 106 23-12-2005 , 08:38 PM
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Wow, this is really coming along nicely, I cant wait to see the finished product.

# 107 04-01-2006 , 02:51 PM
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Neither can I, but at the moment I am having a few technical issues with the dam thing which is preventing me from doing any more at the moment.

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# 108 06-01-2006 , 10:29 PM
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Well I have got to the stage where I have to start texturing. This is the modell without the textures. I will start to post it textured as and when I do it.

From this distance you can't see a fraction of the detial but hopefully the the texturing will bring that out.

Cheers for your patience user added image

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# 109 09-01-2006 , 11:31 AM
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Awesome work man!! Keep it up!

# 110 09-01-2006 , 05:30 PM
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great work user added image
U should do a normal mapped version on a low poly ship with that much detail once youve finished, it'd look great as well

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# 111 13-01-2006 , 11:49 AM
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Well I think I am about half weay throught the texturing of the ship. I have done the decks and the hull. All I need to do now is do the figurehead and the crest at the back of the ship. Then the masts and all that rope.

Do I remember right in hearing that Maya 7 has a good rope texture? If so that would be very usefull for me as you could imagine.

Not long now, hopefully be finished by the end of next week ..... give or take. user added image

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# 112 13-01-2006 , 11:50 AM
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Here is a pic to give you an idea, the lighting will be a bit more moody in the final version rather than this harsh lighting.

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# 113 13-01-2006 , 03:50 PM
happymat27's Avatar
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Beautiful work there Tim,

what's the poly count on it?



# 114 13-01-2006 , 04:31 PM
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wow that looks great! close up of your textures please ^_^b

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# 115 17-01-2006 , 01:15 PM
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I should have a picture (and an answer to your question) before the day is out.

Getting close to moving this to the Finished Work section.

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# 116 17-01-2006 , 01:40 PM
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Looking great there Tim. Looking forward to seeing the finished version.


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# 117 17-01-2006 , 08:16 PM
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Well I have duplicated everything and put all of the decks in and the total polycount is 321770. Now I know that sounds alot. I mean when it says faces it says that number.

Considering all that is in it I think that's fair, besides it's only used to look good and try and get me a job. Anyway, excuses over.

So the only thing left to texture is the ropes, but for some reason I am having a bit of problems with that. Not to worrie, ever onwards.

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# 118 17-01-2006 , 08:23 PM
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Tell a lie, I have the gun port covers to do but hey, just more job on the list.

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# 119 17-01-2006 , 08:28 PM
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And just one more a little closer up.

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# 120 17-01-2006 , 09:05 PM
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looks cool, soo detailed u must have so much patience but are you gonna add like some wood grain texture and like marks from erosion etc also i think the wood colour would look more authetic if it were a bit darker.
Compare to the overall thing those are just tiny details, looks amazing.

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