You are correct, that it would take MEL to do this randomly. I'm to LAZY :zzz: to write the code for you, but whenever I have something like this that I want to do, I use three main resources. . . .
First, the Maya library. You can look up things like lights, under developer resources>MEL commands, and a lot of the functions have example code at the bottom. The "rand" function is one you'll need.
Second, when you need to find info on a particular function in a brief synopsis, go to the script editor and type:
"help" then the name of the function, i.e.
help pointLight;
Third . . . the internet . . . google . . . using keywords like MEL, Maya, Lights, Random . . . something of that nature.
"The Sage as an Astronomer: If you still see the stars as something above you, you lack the eye of knowledge." Friedrich Nietzsche