Get halfway through a model and find it's an unworkable mess? Can't add edge loops where you need them? Can't subdivide a mesh properly? If any of this sounds familiar check this course out.
i started this new project today and would love some early crits, spent about three hours on it so far. this is going to be a big project, he will eventually going to be connected to a big machine or vehicle which he is controlling from his head...thanks
That looks pretty scary so far - which is probably the effect that you are going for! I like the idea of seeing parts of the machine below his face - a bit like a lot of the body modification that seemed to be fashionable a few years ago. This should be an interesting project.
an update..bit concerned about the petruding skin as to whether it looks realistic enough and whether it looks like there actually is sockets under the skin?....opinions, advise and help would be very welcome..thanks.
i think second one is a bit ott, too may stuff comin out of his face, i thik u should like half the stuff comin out of him, i like the eye a lot though.
thanks for all your comments, keep em might be a bit ott...but it kinda fits the vision i have and think it might look right wen the wires/pipes are extruding, but im gonna bear it mind and should be easily altered at the later stage...what does everyone think??? heres some more updates and closer detail of the sockets...what do you think??
that's a nice piece of modeling you've got going on there, I have to say you've got some pretty wierd stuff going on in your head though!! Any chance you could post a wire?
Good day sir!
Sorry bout not posting i was waiting to see a bit more b4 i could post some worthy crit
Once again u have impressed me with ure talent and originality.
the extra detail in the pipes really works well. is that a bump map or what?
I would love to see a kinda section where there's a mix of machine parts like exposed from the skin. on the lines of terminator 2 sorta thing.
Is this gonna be just a head or u going the full monty.
Keep it up!!
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hiya magicsy..cheers for the really big plans for this bloke...the plugs where painfully modelled, no bump map used..(probably should and could have though). the section of the face is possible but thats not the original vision i had but im constantly changing my mind about bits so who knows...
im definatly gonna go the full monty wiv this one....the basis for this idea is that 'valentine' is jacked up to a vechile or war machine of some sort...which he is controlling from his head...i think the rest of his body may be in some kind of straight jacket,hannabal lector stylee maybe??...this will give the idea that he might have been caught and his body manipulated without his wishes...this may be played on other organic creatures that will be driving other parts of the machine, little goblin types maybe....??
Anyway, on to critique, the skin where the metal tubes are inserted looks a bit umm, weird. Are those wires inside connected to the many tubes and all?
Now maybe a suggestion would be to break the symetry a little on the face, which you seems to be doing on the eyes. Maybe texturing ought to do it I guess.
Mind if you show us the wires? Could learn a thing or two else well as critique it further
Nice job can't wait to see the machine part. Kinda like head control mecha, is it? Cheers
thanks for the comments, keep em commin...heres a small update...i hope the skin look a little better?, ive had so many comp probs today ive hardly done anything:headbang: ....and help me please on what to do for the second eye ...wat about making it look like its been stiched up???
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