thanks very much, i just woke up snd the keyboard is a bit of a blur. I clicked on the link below your post and the work, which is your's, yes? Was great. I ended up on a page about real and fake albino squirrels?? I just clicked on 'previous'; at this time of te day I was pretty suprised and amazed, some one has an interesing sense of humour and sensitivity?
anyway. that might not be you and you might be wondering what I'm on about.
Starting to wake up, vettter make more coffee... walking to cooffee percolator...
while i wait for the doffee with baited breathe, I appreciate your help infinitely and noticed your in sydney and so we speak the same language 'ow'zitgoin'??
waling bak to coffee peculator..,
back and at it, the caffeine is kicking in...
what do i need? Good question, I think it was you who suggested the neutral character, anyway, I'm not sure yet. I don't have a real brief except for the pitch and she seemed fairly happy to have me on deck, considering she was the only other mature age student in the room I'll be surprised if i don't hear back. The rest are old enough to be somewhere between my children and my grand children and have friends they hang with which is normal, i don't really know many of them (I do know all of them but they may as well be on another planet). They probably think I'm some sort of Hippy dinosaur.
i got Vue 3 off a mag and ditched world builder in 2 seconds flat. Vue is so much more user friendly and one certainty can not complain about the quality of picture.
I noticed you have a big pond address if that was your site before but I guess it would be better here in case someone else has volunteered (not quite the right ter considering it is 20% of my grade, this project) themselves to do something they know little of, anyway, I figure it's the only way to learn.
it's great tto have someone help and at the moment all I can think of is how does one combine scenes from the two apps. You seem to have achieved a seamless product no paper cut out effect and stuff like that. They don't teach CG at my uni, I have done it at home and it gets confusing, so many projects to do and none get done (well some do occasionally) and I always feel it best to be doing the most basic of tuts but want to blowup cities, have dog fights in space (well that's easy enouh) or do underwater scenes or things beyond my scope , like this project, though I'm confident I can pull it off and if you will help I'm more confident (how confident is confident??)
anyway, sorry to babble on but that's what I'm best at this time of the daily cycle.
I'll get back when I'm more coherent. It is enough to say thanks and she wants two worlds, one real in a hospital and one fantasy land, I'm sure you know where this is going...
oh yea, I have after effects and camerra also if they help, camerra isn't on the computer though, I just have it lying around and haven't put it on yet.
I gotta get to scrip writting in an hour...
take it easy and life will be easy
Last edited by mirek03; 19-03-2006 at 10:43 PM.