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# 1 22-05-2006 , 05:23 PM
farbtopf's Avatar
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Posts: 520

lattice question


I need to animate some type, so I was wondering if I create a lattice if there is any way I can have it behave more like a curve. When I move a lattice point the transition to the next point is not really smooth.
I tried using a wire deformer, but for various complicated reasins I cannot use them.

anyone any ideas?

# 2 22-05-2006 , 06:23 PM
esion's Avatar
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Im kinda confused...what do you mean by lattice? like a plane?...because objects can have lattices, im just confused on the wording of create a lattice.

Do you want a plane to ripple or something? How long is your animation, what are your key setpoints at? could you increase them to make the point move slower?

# 3 22-05-2006 , 07:07 PM
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sorry if I was a bit vague, it's kinda difficult to explain images with words I guess. So here's an image of what I meant. Even if I have a reasonable high poly object, using a lattice will result in having a straight line from lattice point a to point b. I'd rather like this to be curved so the deformed object does not look too edgy.
And what I want to do to animate type like a flee circus so basically the letters bounce and swing around a little and eventually form a word.

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# 4 22-05-2006 , 07:10 PM
esion's Avatar
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Ahh I completely see it now.

Can you increase the number of isoparms there are? or is it a poly object? I think the problem is just due to the amount of latice edges...

# 5 22-05-2006 , 08:06 PM
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thanks, it is a poly object.
I could increase the number of lattice points, but it would be soooo painfull to animate if I had fifty subdivisions on my lattice, it would just take way to long. I am not sure but is it possible to somehow connect my lattice points to a curve. Kind of like a spline Ik works?
If not it's not that bad I sort of worked my way around by using all sorts of deformers and my lattice.

# 6 02-06-2006 , 10:27 PM
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you will need more divisions on your lattice. you dont need 50 but at least 20.


# 7 03-06-2006 , 10:14 AM
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Posts: 520
thanks for your answer,

I kind of guessed that this was the only sollution. But animating them would just be such a pain. I gut my head around by using a wire deformer, sticking it in the center of my object, grouping it together and then modifying it's influence radius until I got what I wanted.


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