View Poll Results: Choose your preferred topic:
characters 6 27.27%
environment/landscape (interior or exterior) 6 27.27%
vehicle/weapon/etc (non organic) 8 36.36%
animation/rigging 1 4.55%
particles/dynamics 1 4.55%
Other (post suggestion) 0 0%
Voters: 22. You may not vote on this poll

Beer glass scene creation
This course contains a little bit of everything with modeling, UVing, texturing and dynamics in Maya, as well as compositing multilayered EXR's in Photoshop.
# 1 30-06-2006 , 03:27 PM
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Challenge themes!

What do you want the next challenge to be?

I actually already have an idea for the next challenge, but this is to guage overall interest. user added image

# 2 01-07-2006 , 01:45 PM
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i wouldn't mind a nice photoreal interior render competition

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# 3 02-07-2006 , 08:57 PM
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Id like to do Game Character Design, Judged by every aspect (modelling, Texturing, Normal mapping, Specular mapping, Even animation)

# 4 10-07-2006 , 08:02 PM
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brill idea - have a poll before each chalange so ppl cant complain as they should haeve voted

cooluser added image

Now at SMU doing BSc 3D Computer Animation so its hard to get on here
My wire render tut
# 5 14-07-2006 , 01:56 PM
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Hi All,

Been busy with the game for a while, but things have slowed down, due to a change in game engine.

So I think I will be more active in the forums again and be ready to attempt the net challenge.

So I think the poll is a gr8 idea, The Man Mountain does it again... :bow:

I would like to see more architucture/enviornment challenges and character. Enviro Art gives a massive scope for light base challenges. Dynamics is a different kettle of fish as its such a complex beast. and not a lot of people know how to use it correctly (that means me user added image)

CUAll L8r

Chris (formerly R@nSiD)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will truely know peace - Jimmy Hendrix
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# 6 14-07-2006 , 02:35 PM
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i think some environmental s would be nice!!

with the pool if u use it r u goin to run it liike a week or two inadvance of the chalange instead of only a few days?

Now at SMU doing BSc 3D Computer Animation so its hard to get on here
My wire render tut
# 7 29-07-2006 , 01:06 PM
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i think modeling weapons would be funny!user added image

# 8 16-08-2006 , 10:42 PM
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Definitely characters.

I am persuing a careeer as a game character artist. And any practice would help.

# 9 19-08-2006 , 01:36 PM
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characters, -or let's say something that's not already out there. I'm not a big fan of modeling of a photo or somebody elses concept. What's in your head is what counts!
Please no more weapons there's enough of that stuff out there for real, so were's the point?
I loved the creativity some people put in the transformer competition.

# 10 23-08-2006 , 12:00 PM
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Im really gutted I missed the transformer comp, never mind.

I like really open ended challanges like the one currently running as people ideas can be far more out there, but there is the danger of the challanges being more like cg talks (eg "the jurney begins") were the entryies just dont seem to match the challage. so I think a mix of the both would work well.

something like "model yourself in your perfect job" - leaves it to your imagionation as well as
charator modling/texturing/lighting skills.

or lets mix it up abit like

1) charactor with weapon/vecheal
2) character and matching environment/landscape
3) animation of a character and matching environment/landscape

No matter what I`ll think I`ll have to do the next challage as this current one has been great fun and good pratise.

Last edited by tweetytunes; 23-08-2006 at 12:08 PM.
# 11 30-08-2006 , 07:22 AM
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Environment or non organics for me!

If you believe in telekinesis, raise my right hand.
# 12 29-10-2006 , 05:37 PM
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Why place restrictions on what to enter, why not just that everybody sends in his or hers best work in his or her field of expertise.
when i look at stuff people make here i look at how well something is made and if or how it appaells to me

# 13 29-10-2006 , 05:39 PM
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if there as no restrictions there would be no way of judging
not to metion one persons style may not appeal to another even though it is technicall a good well made model

Now at SMU doing BSc 3D Computer Animation so its hard to get on here
My wire render tut
# 14 17-11-2006 , 09:33 AM
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brill idea - have a poll before each chalange so ppl cant complain as they should haeve voted


# 15 17-11-2006 , 09:33 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2006
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brill idea - have a poll before each chalange so ppl cant complain as they should haeve voted


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