Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
I watched a tutorial recently as I am still trying to figure out texturing. In it the person made a chair and showed how to build a texture map.
First they selected the whole model. They then opened up UV Editor, and in the top right hand corner was a jumble of meshes. They then clicked one of the polys on the screen (the chair leg for example), set it to cyclindrical mapping, and then it showed in the UV editor under the jumble. They then used the move tool to move the mesh in the editor to the left hand side and resize it. This was repeated for the whole mesh untill they had a map laif out, and this was moved back to the right hand square. This was then saved as a IFF (maybe) and imported to Photoshop where they drew over the template to make the map.
This seemed very easily and logical.
Now.... When I go into UV Editor on Maya 7.0 and select my mesh I sometimes see the move tool icon (the one with the yellow box and the red blue etc arrows) but when I try to move it the mesh stays in the same place, and only the tool moves. Sometimes no tool appears at all, and sometimes the meshes are all over the place and I cant even select them. UV Editor appears to be nothing more than a display tool.
Is there a step I am missing from this, or was it maybe an earlier version or a plugin that allowed this simplicity?
Does anyone have a better tutorial for 7.0 UV Texture map creation?
Have you selected the uvs prior to trying to move them? (Right click>Select UVs, then highlight the uvsin the texture editor and press q to move them) Hope this helps
If you believe in telekinesis, raise my right hand.
Make sure you select uvs not vertex as moving a vertex in your texture editor will move the verts in your model itself where as uvs just alter the texture coverage.
If you believe in telekinesis, raise my right hand.
As you can see she just clicks the faces of the object, sets the mapping type and they appear in the UV Editor with a manipulator tool on them ready to move about and unjumble...
This is what I did, but it didnt work. I'll try selecting the UV's instead and see if that works.
BTW J5ive, your very helpful and all your advice to date is greatly appreciated!
Yeah I think thats possibly an old version of maya, once you have mapped you texture as you are happy with it, from the menu that appears when you right click, click uvs, and drag a box around them all and move them that way.
If you believe in telekinesis, raise my right hand.
Chris (formerly R@nSiD) Twitter When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will truely know peace - Jimmy Hendrix Winner SM VFX Challenge 1 3rd Place SM SteamPunk Challenge (May 2007)
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