Integrating 3D models with photography
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# 1 28-09-2006 , 11:51 AM
mr pix.'s Avatar
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Hi guys, this is my first serious attempt at head modelling.
Following a tutorial from a website

I have tried various techniques but quit at the first hurdle. I have persisted with this one, using the 'polygon plane' method. As apposed to box modelling.

Can someone please please help with my geometry. It looks a mess! Especially around the mouth and nose. This isnt going to help me later on wen it comes to animating and blendshapes etc. and i want to nip it in the bu.

Any advice, or if anyone kindly wants to clean it up for me, i'l post the model itself, it'll be much appreciated.

Thank you all in advance

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Attached Thumbnails

those who succeed are only the failures that never gave up.
# 2 28-09-2006 , 04:14 PM
mr pix.'s Avatar
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here is the file if anyone cares to have a look and send it back?

thanks all

those who succeed are only the failures that never gave up.
# 3 28-09-2006 , 06:45 PM
severinianthony's Avatar
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In my opinion, only the edges between the brow-ridge down to the nose, and the edges that "fall off" the nose onto the cheek regions need touching up.

Try using the Sculpy Geometry tool (Modeling Menu Set, Edit Polygons -> Sculpt Geometry Tool -> Options). Mess around with that tool, it's not complex to figure out. Try using it to smooth out the afore-mentioned edges.

Otherwise, I think it's coming along nicely; I'm getting that Dobby, from the Harry Potter book, feel ^_^

# 4 28-09-2006 , 07:02 PM
gster123's Avatar
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You've got a few tri's and N gons in there that could do with cleaning up, try the poly clean up tool and jsut go round and try to get all Quad's.

Hope this helps in some way


# 5 28-09-2006 , 09:58 PM
mr pix.'s Avatar
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yer thanx sev, i'l try that. That is the tutorial i was doing. Dobby the house elf. Im no good at mouths and noses though.

And gster, cheers for ur advice too. i'l use that too. I experimented with blend shapes on low res to make him smile, but tweaking was a nightmare because of the geometry around the mouth is a shambles.

much appreciated

keep it coming peeps

those who succeed are only the failures that never gave up.
# 6 28-09-2006 , 09:59 PM
mr pix.'s Avatar
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so would the cleanup help the N gons then?

those who succeed are only the failures that never gave up.
# 7 29-09-2006 , 05:05 AM
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By using the poly clean up tool, in the options theres an option for clean up 5 or more sided (N gons)

OR you can use the split polygon tool with deleting edges to do it manually, trying to keep the geometry flowing.

# 8 29-09-2006 , 04:10 PM
colorado's Avatar
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split polygon

if you use split polygon tool and delete the edges to correct the faces make sure to go back and delete the verts it leaves behind.or they will give you problems later.

# 9 29-09-2006 , 07:32 PM
mr pix.'s Avatar
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Posts: 519

has anyone got any tips to sort out the corners of my mouth??

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