Digital humans the art of the digital double
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# 31 16-09-2006 , 12:50 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 515

Originally posted by Co0KiEmAn
I stumbled across a picture of an actual Z. This reference photos might help if you're looking for some more.

Click here

Hope this helps!

thanks for the ref images, that will help a decent amount when im making my doors, too bad they never took any shots of the back of the car.

First year 3D Grad
# 32 21-09-2006 , 09:27 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 515
long time no update, im busy making a website for my work and ive been out of town this past weekend.

i spend about 20 minutes on it tonite to define the doors a bit, and a couple other subtle body lines, starting to work my way back, but i cant figure out the grill behind the hood at the base of the windshield.

but once i get that and get the windshields in i can start on the mouldings and finally do some tail light work and then that will be it for this one. after that im just gonna work on getting a good render out of it.

edit: that render was horrible, hold on im re rendering

the side wall of the tires isnt matched up/merged with the tread, i noticed this after i rendered so im gonna have to go and fix that up.

First year 3D Grad

Last edited by Turbo Dan; 21-09-2006 at 09:32 PM.
# 33 21-09-2006 , 10:52 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 515
i finally got a re-render.
it was a bit of a wait, but i think its worth it, im very impressed with the render.

i just photoshopped out the windows to make it look like it has temporary windows.

user added image

a big thing im missing is a flare on the rear fenders, also the rear end doesnt look lined up quite right.

First year 3D Grad
# 34 23-09-2006 , 01:08 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 515
bump to the top..

motivate me people!!!

possible update tonite.

First year 3D Grad
# 35 23-09-2006 , 03:00 PM
13th_resident's Avatar
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this looks like the next-gen of cars in the 1970's. the design is cool looking.

A pint of example is worth a gallon of advice!!
# 36 17-10-2006 , 04:12 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 515
slight slight slight update

you probably wont be able to notice much done, but i started to crease the side of the body how the car is suppost to be, and i added a door handle (the actual handle didnt have the right shader so it didnt show up in the render)

and i also worked the rear bumper a bit.

what is left:
tail lights
exhaust system

then a final render will end this project

ive lost interest a bit, but i still kinda plug away at it every now and then when i get the chance.


user added image

First year 3D Grad
# 37 17-10-2006 , 04:13 PM
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WOW! awesome job man. Love the hood so far.

keep it up!

# 38 22-10-2006 , 06:02 AM
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Posts: 566
hey turbo its looking nice. how do u do ur clays/renders. ive tried ways everyone else says and they work which is good but i want to learn everyway and determine which looks best from there. good job dont lose interest

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