Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
hi everyone, i,m busy with character setup in maya. I finished left arm and it was very hard, take very longtime. I want mirror the arm including ik handle's-controle-finger controle-and all kind of stuff that need to be doen for arm rotation, group's-parenting-constrain(point-oriantation)and alot more.
my question is is any tools or melscript available to mirror this left arm completly(including everything)to right side(as right arm) I don.t want follow all step that i have done for left arm again for right arm. I trid mirror joint, but in this mirror only the joint and ik will be mirrored, not the groups-controls-constrain's or other stuff.
so do you know easy way? or easy tools? plugins?melscript?
This works for the skeleton with more complex setups, handles etc.
Save a file of the arm with the controls you need on it.
Import it back to the scene you are working on, flip it -x,
attach it to the skeleton and done.
Mirror joints alone does not do the handles, controls right.
I try your option, it is ok. save arm and export and than import again, work perfect, but I have to change all the names and groups. because now the 2 arms skeleton has the same name
so I have to go every single ik-joint-handle-controle change the names. that is alot of time and some of them when you change the name doesn't work.
time of changing the name's from left to right=I can build new arm skeleton
your idee is great but not really for complex skeleton joint.
also easy way not just export ther arm and import again.
just select all joint with ik and handle's and duplicate and flip -1=X
but still i have to change the names. but in maya 8 it is great option for mirror you can change all the names from left to right or others. but this option is only for joint.
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