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# 1 09-11-2006 , 03:26 AM
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Challenge prize ideas!

Hey, guys,

So, I'm now personally providing the prizes for the challenges, and I'm far from rich, so I need ideas on what you guys think would be good prizes! user added image

Obviously, I've got signed copies of my books I can give out, but that would get lame as everyone in creation suddenly has one, haha. user added image

I can do signed copies of the games I work on, but those only come out once a year or two (with one coming out in 2 days!)

So, any thoughts on what you guys would find useful that won't break my wallet? user added image

# 2 09-11-2006 , 07:30 AM
dockode's Avatar
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The games idea is pretty neat, even with the downside of only being available infrequently.

What do you consider not breaking your wallet? Because you could provide things like small monetary prizes. $50, $35, $10 (1st, 2nd, 3rd). Just an idea.

Can't think of much else at the moment. I'll check back though and mention anything else I can think of.

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# 3 14-11-2006 , 01:20 PM
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I don`t do it for the prizes (althought I will not say no to some copies of your books if i win), I do it for the love.

The only thing i can think is if you pay for some points towards the dvds here, if thats an option.

All I ask is that the challages are good, like the last one - that was alot of fun and we got very different results. this one shaping up good as well.

The experiance gained from doing something like these are great.

Heck the last challenge got me a job - what better prize is there.

Last edited by tweetytunes; 14-11-2006 at 01:22 PM.
# 4 17-11-2006 , 10:28 AM
gster123's Avatar
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Could you not do something on the site, say like on CG talk where chellenge winners have a trophy under their avatars? And maybe give some tutorials (points) as prizes, if the winners dont want the tutorials that can just say thanks but no thanks, that way if you know what your doing with maya and/or dont fancy anything you dont get something you dont want.

Maybe that would be a cheaper alternative?

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# 5 17-11-2006 , 10:59 AM
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Yeah .. I'm in for a trophy image. :attn:
Not just as an icon on this forum but rather to use it on online portfolio and demo reels. Seen some of them gold/bronze/silver trophy images on artist's websites and does look very impressive.
Specially to those u're showing off your stuff too. Like if u're looking for a job or freelance projects. user added image

# 6 20-11-2006 , 03:19 AM
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I mentioned site awards like CGtalk has on another challenge thread here a while back (love the idea ), and I think some tutorial points would be best.

# 7 22-11-2006 , 02:06 AM
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Being that I've not done any challenges (this being my first) I'm all for the idea of the trophy images and Tut points. It seems a good idea to promote the site as well as advancing/brushing up/expanding our skills on Maya.

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# 8 22-11-2006 , 04:44 AM
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Rewards are a gr8 Idea, also an image that be tagged to you sig might be nice. I like the fact the Mike is givng up his books for this one, but nice to see Dave back too, saw him signed on the other day.

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Some points would be nice, but I think the loosers should get the points, I mean they are the one who need the help...



Chris (formerly R@nSiD)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will truely know peace - Jimmy Hendrix
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# 9 23-11-2006 , 02:35 AM
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Mike, keep your money mate!

I don't think that Mike should give us his hard earned cash at all.

Maya Books are always welcome but I enter the comps mainly for the challenge and to get encouragement from the community.

The points idea is a good one but what happens if you are a lifetime member, like myself?


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# 10 23-11-2006 , 03:29 AM
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Re: Mike, keep your money mate!

Originally posted by markemark

The points idea is a good one but what happens if you are a lifetime member, like myself?

Originally posted by markemark

I enter the comps mainly for the challenge and to get encouragement from the community.

You get the feeling of a challenge and encouragment instead


Did you get the lifetime membership from winning a past comp?


"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 11 23-11-2006 , 05:19 AM
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Re: Re: Mike, keep your money mate!

Did you get the lifetime membership from winning a past comp?

I paid for it many years ago.
Great value for money considering the sheer volume of amazing Maya tuts they now have. When I joined there was always the risk that SM might fold but I had confidence in them.


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# 12 23-11-2006 , 07:18 AM
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i'd love to know how to get one now... they still have information about it but no option for making that kind of purchase... or at least that i can see.

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# 13 23-11-2006 , 07:34 AM
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It was a limited time only offer.
I was just very lucky to be in the right time at the right place.


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# 14 24-11-2006 , 12:34 PM
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Can some one ban this link, it has appeared in SM site often and is nowt but a dodgy virus scanner. That detects nothing but its own crap it installs. This should be a ban for anyone postig this. Out of order I say.

Chris (formerly R@nSiD)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will truely know peace - Jimmy Hendrix
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# 15 24-11-2006 , 12:41 PM
tweetytunes's Avatar
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arrrr plz remove that link asap

it just wiped out 4 computers at work big time

bloody virus arrrr stay away.

****er we could have lost 2 days work. if i get my hands on you will ring u up

likes to delet files from c:\

claims to be first a citical error, then anti spywear softwear

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