Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 16 03-07-2006 , 07:09 AM
dilberts's Avatar
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First, let me say that I've enjoyed every challenge I've entered, and have refined some skills in the process, I do however have one big problem with the challenges, that being the lack of feedback with the final entries. I don't really care about the prize (although I think it is a very generous prize for an internet competition), I care more about getting critiques from people who are working in the business. If someone spends 2 months working on a project to submit for critique, it would be nice to get some feedback, whether they win or not. Like you said Mike, there's really not too many entries each month, so would it hurt to say a few lines/give some critism on every entry? Maybe suggest some improvements that could have been made etc..

It just seems like the competition ends, and there's a one-line post saying ".... is the winner," with no explanation as to what it was about that image that stood out among the rest. A few months back you did a "photorealistic" challenge, in which I saw some awesome work from a few people, but there was little or no feedback on the final entries. I looked through the thread of the guy who won (he modeled an excellent video camera), and there was just a handful of posts, with only about 3 or 4 work-in-progress shots, and then a final render entry.

I just think it would benefit everyone more if the challenges were geared towards helping people improve, rather than just handing out a prize.

# 17 16-07-2006 , 07:23 PM
twisteddragon33's Avatar
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i agree with most of the points already stated, as cash prizes instead of hardware, possible 1st 2nd 3rd prizes.

I entered a few of the challenges. Some i found quite entertaining. Others i felt they didnt offer anything useful to me. Which was disapointing.

Maybe as a possibilty for future challenges we could have a list of 4 or 5 options that could be voted on during one challeneg as to what the next challenge should be.

So during this challenge make a poll as to what the next challenge should be... then you would know at least a majority would like it.

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# 18 20-07-2006 , 11:40 PM
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Now, I'm not great at modeling, but 2 months is kind of a long time. I'll procrastinate, or start doing something else and not get back to it. The length of time should depend on the complexity of the project.

Personally, I like more inorganic stuff. Probably because it's easier user added image but I don't think you should lose the variety.

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# 19 02-08-2006 , 01:22 PM
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I haven't actually entereed any of the competitions before, but thought a good idea for a competition would be a prison scene. I practised one of these before myself, and i found that i had a huge amount of options to go for while doing this.

# 20 17-08-2006 , 06:29 AM
papalatistudios's Avatar
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What about a texture painting contest. Say that Mike or someone provides 3 different models, for variety.

Then its up to the challengers to pick an object and see who comes up with the best textures.

I agree that #1 or nothing is pretty steep especially for those who spend so much time on their project only to come up short. There have been so many in the past that definitely deserved more credit than, well better luck next time.

# 21 18-08-2006 , 10:24 AM
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self portrait - high poly

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# 22 18-08-2006 , 03:23 PM
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Good to see you back Michael user added image

# 23 26-08-2006 , 10:56 AM
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Originally posted by Dilberts

First, let me say that I've enjoyed every challenge I've entered, and have refined some skills in the process, I do however have one big problem with the challenges, that being the lack of feedback with the final entries. I don't really care about the prize (although I think it is a very generous prize for an internet competition), I care more about getting critiques from people who are working in the business. If someone spends 2 months working on a project to submit for critique, it would be nice to get some feedback, whether they win or not. Like you said Mike, there's really not too many entries each month, so would it hurt to say a few lines/give some critism on every entry? Maybe suggest some improvements that could have been made etc..

These competitions are judged on the quality of the work. You can basicly look at the artists work and see where his or her's weakpoints are. If you need feed back on your entry from a specific member here on the SM site, why not just contact that person? I really don't care to know why I didn't win. In alot of cases, that leads to poor sportsmanship between members. All I want to do is have fun doing the competition and share the work with the other board members. I entered this current competition to work on my compositing skills. It doesn't matter if I win or not. Heh, I honored to get just one compliment from anyone on my work.

# 24 27-08-2006 , 06:17 PM
vin209's Avatar
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hey chaps,

never entered a competition before but i will!

this isn't because i haven't liked the theme or the prizes or any other of the comments above although i do have a few suggestions...

i like the idea of comments from yourself (mike) or other professionals, sorry chaps i don't know who you are right now being a casual user of this site. the thought that it would encourage bad sportsmanship is correct but i'm sure those with that disposition would keep comments like that to themselves. in fact it could encourage them to grow out of that attitude after all there's always someone better out there.

maybe to encourage more entries you could try focusing on different skills. i understand this is how it works at the moment, what i mean is that you could advertise the competition as being purely game art one month and hyper-real the next. that way it would encourage the varying factions within this community to enter albeit at different times.

taking this idea further you could set a series of back to back challenges that will encourage the entrant to further their skills using the same project. for instance, a game character design challenge followed by an animation challenge designed to express the same characters personality.

i think the problem at the moment is the amount of scope the competitions have with the aim of enabling anyone to enter. this may cause potential entrants to not enter as they feel unable to compete with the high standards of many entries. if it were tailored in a way that benefitted every entry then you may see more of a response.

love the prizes (could have really done with £400 this month!!!) so no probs there unless you could let the winnings 'rest' in my account till the winner is announced...

finally just got your new book mike, excellent as always and a big thank you from my partner and myself. keep up the good work chaps for it is you that are responsible for everything i've learned so far in the 3d world. well you and happymat27...

# 25 28-08-2006 , 07:16 PM
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i like 2 join the competition can i do tat help me so.....

hai friends...i am new to this discussion......i would like 2 know how to participat in the competition and prove my self...........hope u people or moderator can help me in it.....i have skill 2 do but need some support from this site.... i would like 2 know some details about to gain points and how 2 be an active member

# 26 28-08-2006 , 07:52 PM
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Should be easy to answer...

1st Welcome to the SM site.

The next competition will be starting shortly (Sept/Oct) and runs for 2 months. Mike will set the challenge topic and you are to get cracking from there, showing your work and wires etc.. As you go.

Everyone on the site will give you feedback and advise as best we can. Hey I'm doing it that now, WOW... user added image

Gaining Points is through purchase or winning the Challenges (I think they still give them out as a prize option). To be an active member get involved and help out as best you can...

Chris (formerly R@nSiD)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will truely know peace - Jimmy Hendrix
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# 27 28-08-2006 , 11:11 PM
skywola's Avatar
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I'd like to challenge someone to fix this website, the download section does not work properly, you click on a link in the headings and nothing happens, and if you attempt to go to the "upload" section, it just gives you an error.

It has been like this for months . . .

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# 28 17-11-2006 , 09:37 AM
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This is kinda responding to all 3 threads and the comments I've received so far

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