This course contains a little bit of everything with modeling, UVing, texturing and dynamics in Maya, as well as compositing multilayered EXR's in Photoshop.
seems to me that Maya and music sit well together in the same brain, wonder if there is a reason for this?? most of the regulars talk about their guitars at some stage
how many musos we got out there...?? dont be shy, budding musos, want to be muso, happy to play three chord muso, pro muso, club muso, its all music...
Thanks for creating this thread ^_^
i always thought that too!
i play the flute and am in a band (just starting to write music, and get members, lol).. and i love listening to music, lol unfortunately my band has no guitarist, lol.....
i actually play tons of flute-like instruments too.... pretty much anything that you blow into (no puns intended).. lol,,,
took a few lesson on the piano, well the keyboard in my younger years. and did some flute. now iam mostly a guitar type person. been learning for bout 2 years on it.
I play drums for like 7 years now. Before that i played the piano for 4 years.
I'm not really famous on SM though ;D.
Bands are nice but try playing in an orchestra for a change.
You'll love it! You'll never wanna quit again. It's the best playing with people who know how to use their instruments with such ease and you don't have to practise much. You just play and it sounds superb. Guitars might not be used in orchestras very often but you can try a big band. That's the best for guitar players!
It's a small world but not if you have to clean it.
it seems interesting that people usually played around with a number of instruments until settling on one, or two, i did that too; flute, mandolin, guitar, keyboard, violin, i loved bongos, and ANYTHING that made a note, now i like anything that makes a sound, now settled on guitar and keyboard and computer sequencing.
the orchestra, yes i would agreer with that; very dedicated to be there, very hard, many hours of dedication and yes, the musos are second to none, but glad you mentioned the big bands, duke Ellington, dizzy, miles, and even marhvishnu orcestra was a big band of sorts in the early seventies, and Zappa, well you couldn't have got a more crazy orchestra than that (in the early 70s)
i always believed the best muso was the happiest one, a guy happy playing three chords is a better muso than a guy who knows all the triads, chords, cadences, etc but hates it, jaded from the industry and lost the passion and the beauty of playing music.
i like the 'i am not very famous on SM'..?? i didn't realise any of us were lol
I play guitar. Self taught for about 4 years now. I just play by myself, b/c theres NO ONE around here thats into the music Im into (rock, mainly). Ive also self-tought myself Maya too, so......
if you can use Maya you can use a sequencer and you can be the whole band.
you can get a pretty good one with a whole pile of plug ins with every 'computer music ' mag (the mag of that name, a UK mag i think), every month it comes with a complete package, i guess so you will keep buying the mag?? anyway, you can get some good sequancers pretty cheap that do MIDI and Audio, there are a lot of guys here at SM who are using them, i know 'cause i discuss it with them from time to time.
there is no excuse to not be a whole band, drums and all, at home on your computer, it is a lot of fun and a can simply be a good way to jam and learn as you go, in readiness for that big break that will catapult you into musicians heaven (whatever that is.)
no-one around you that into rock?? where are you, the south pole?? I know actually, its hard to find musos unless you are in the curcuit or the loop, its a clickly bunch at times, its like trying to find someone into maya, there's no-one then suddenly you find a whole pile of people doing it.
Well, I mean I know people who are into rock. Just no-one who is dedicated enough to want to learn to play it. And for the not-being in a band and whatnot, I do record some of my music. Ive tried using a couple of sequencers, but I just get frustrated REALLY fast when it comes to things like that. I just think it'd be SO much easier to actually have someone playing with me, you know? I do still try tho. Im just not getting too far. Mainly because I dont have much time to play anymore b/c of work and school and whatn0t. Im'a keep at it tho.
i guess im trying to figure if maya and music have something in common than just the label 'art.' As far as i can see both are a timeless world and infinite. the 3D enviroment is a demension seperate than the one we live in and so is music.
both come from the imagination but can also be copied.
both are timeless because they can not be measured in the normal sense.
both are a way of moulding something from nothing and are very satisfying.
for me, maya (3D) clicked immediately as did music when i was very young.
it can be done alone or in a team, but all this is just fun, and something to'chat' about.
@Funky Bunnies - How'd you know that? ;D,
I hope you're not threatening me :hug: lol.
Cheers anyway .
@mirek03 - I myself am much into progressive stuff. Like the old band around Frank Zappa, King Crimson, Genesis and many others... I do like "new" progressive sounds too, like Liquid Tension Experiment, DreamTheater, Muse, Porcupine Tree, Radiohead, Alice in Chains... it'd be too much to list them all. But I won't forget to mention NIN. That's like the absolute in music. It's very hard to find ppl to play progressive rock with. As I'm often playing alone I love to play Jazz.. Dave Weckl Band and Jeff Beck are good references for awesome Jazz.
About happy musicians.. you won't become happy in an orchestra unless you know at least the basic theory of music. Classic music is often complicated so you won't get anywhere playing 3 chords ;D.
Being famous implies that people have at least seen you once on SM ;D.
-- Zefi
It's a small world but not if you have to clean it.
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