lol 15 ive been smoking scince i was 12 ish bad influence...[i]huh? your smoking, arnt you 14 or something? lol [/B]
tube in may ass????? that aint good!!!Sure, and look on the bright side, atleast you'll get a cool robot voice thing and a tube outta your ass so you can poo properly!"
in canada they have pictures of cancerous hearts and lkungs and such on themDont cigarette packets have pictures of grizzly faces and cancer on them now though? or are these older style ones?"
hahaha evryone thought i would be dead by 15 but i made it so now im gonna live to 31 just to prove you wrong hmmm the rest seems like it could be offensive or not offensive... no comment other than i do plan to f*** it up major!!![i]Woa, dude acid44, since 12. As an elder I feel I should say something....RIGHT ON!! Live fast die pretty. u prolly wont make it to 30, ahaha. Then again who wants to get wringles and and lose hair... I speak for myself here. Its u're life, we can't live it for u acid44, u got a right to **** it up any which way u want.