Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 76 22-01-2007 , 06:00 PM
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Young lion

You'll have to wait like the rest LOL


# 77 23-01-2007 , 12:30 AM
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Looking friggin awesome! Great texturing job!

Eric Tacti
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# 78 23-01-2007 , 04:17 AM
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Seeing as simply 3D are looking for talent, I think you should do a Maya tute on this.

Well Done Jay its starting to look really good.

Chris (formerly R@nSiD)
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# 79 23-01-2007 , 04:50 AM
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Thank you guys.

R@nSiD: Ive done 2 tutes already for Simply Maya last year, (GI modeling and texturing series) Im hoping to do some more at some point as David has asked, but its just getting time to do it.

I do have a couple of bits planned for the near future though.


# 80 23-01-2007 , 08:02 AM
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I had no idea. Must downlodd them to get an idea on how you do it. Got lots oh stuff by Kurt though

Chris (formerly R@nSiD)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will truely know peace - Jimmy Hendrix
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# 81 23-01-2007 , 09:14 AM
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yeah go for it, Kurts the in house dude, Im more like Batman, always around but ya just not aware until I strike LOL


# 82 26-01-2007 , 04:45 AM
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Some more...


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# 83 26-01-2007 , 09:33 AM
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gotta say Jay, I know a little of your work and I don't understand why you are doing this one except if it iS a tut for the younger Si Fi (or older user added image ) genre loving crew. I'm thinking it's for a graphic novel, some purpose like that. Maybe a brief from a client.

anyway, i can't say I like the model; though of course it is modeled with the skill we all know you for; excellence!

the textures are excellent but the purple (on the previous page) look just purple, not the burnt exhaust look you are looking for. The dark burnt exhaust looks more like pastel charcoal than burn. I think it should have a more burnt/runny oily look, you know, the exhausts on on the spitfires, mustangs, and barn hoppers where the oil is burnt on to the pipes but there is a sort of runny look down the vents. we achieve that look on the plastic models (I used to take them very seriously a few years ago) by using black ink with a little water to make it run, looks surprisingly realistic.

anyway, just my opinion. user added image

take it easy and life will be easy

Last edited by mirek03; 26-01-2007 at 09:36 AM.
# 84 26-01-2007 , 06:11 PM
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Hi Mirek

Many thanks for your thoughts, crit and suggestions. Im glad you have been honest there, instead of lapping at it just to please. This is for my own graphic novel, no clients etc for now...

I did consider severe oil stains and drips for this piece in particular, but....although its a hyperealistic model I didnt want to become to crammed in real world technicalities, however, there are certain things that I do like to make real, so for this is a type of'jet engine' and having drips of oil around something so powerful is a bit suicidal.

Basically not too much or too little and leave the rest to the imagination.

Forthe exhaust burns (purple) I refered to custom car exhausts for this, and mixed it in with my own design. See attached image of my reference.

Anyway back to it, cheers fornow

Attached Thumbnails
# 85 27-01-2007 , 03:44 AM
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yea, i thought about it later and came up with a similar conclusion, no oil drips on a jet engine! I understand the purple was referenced from an exhaust as you have shown and looking at the exhaust again.., well personally I think you should darken it near the end, where it joins the engine, the black part of the exhaust, maybe ramp it; if it was 2D I'd be using a strong 6B just where it meets and ramping it down (or up) to a dark HD (visual dynamics). The the purple..? point taken not getting wrapped up too much in these details,

yes, like you, i think one should look at these things with a critical but positive eye, so that, if we are lucky enough, when reality knocks on the door we are prepared. Reality just knocked on mine and an award from uni in the face of it looks pretty lame user added image I wish someone had of been a little more honest about my work. (music)

cheers user added image

take it easy and life will be easy
# 86 05-02-2007 , 03:17 AM
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This dude is now finished guys,

he's over at my site in the gallery. Its had a standard render purely for the presentation, no more no less.

It'll get the full treatment once its needed for my project...


# 87 05-02-2007 , 06:40 AM
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Fantabulicious, Mr Edwards!

I can't say enough about this design. I don't want to sound like I'm slighting your previous vehicle models but this one is definately a superior creation.

Cool widescreen renders too!

Whats next?


# 88 05-02-2007 , 11:35 AM
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Hi Dave

Many Thanks for you kindness. I know what you mean, the level has gone up, for the better too I hope...

Oohh what's next? well I have a 'set/scene thats been in the works for a couple of days, it will be a matte painting too but I'll post that at the main site, plus Ive two characters to do this week, the heads have been built for a while, both done in Maya and then some alterations in Z. Again those will go on the main site. I'll probably have these done by next week, I'll give you a shout...these are for my 'prologue' scenes before the main story kicks in, sort of like a Bond movie, where it always begins at the end of a previous mission...

I think the next 'biggie' is the re-model of the Sheriff which will most likely get started Friday at work, I'll post it during the evening


# 89 05-02-2007 , 01:21 PM
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Hey Jay

The speeder looks cool, had a good look round your site, i'm getting the feeling for the project now, looking real good man!

Looking forward to your other characters, and the scenery, are you using bryce for it?



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# 90 05-02-2007 , 02:18 PM
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Hey Steve

thank you. I did consider bryce a while back, in fact I used it on early versions before I decided to redo the whole project. Bryce is good but it has its limitations. It does great skies for sure!!

I'll actually be using Maya for the main set/scene pieces but with the integration of Terragen Version 0.9 which I bought a while back. Pretty much 3d mattes if you will, to extend what I dont need as 3d elements, plus it will save time overall.

Theres two terragen renders on my gallery page, they are pretty impressive. You can down load it for free but if you want the hi res rendering and extra attributes its only 50 quid for the full license. Im just waiting now on the final release and bug fixes of V2 of Terragen, the preview of it is good but it is just toooooooooo slow for any type of production right now. But from what we've tested here at work it looks very good, but as I said too slow right now to be considered for any production work - home use or other...


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