Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 1 06-02-2007 , 10:30 PM
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Maya Live

Hi I shortly found out about Maya live(in maya 6.0 unlimited). I am having trouble with the tutorial they give you when you get maya. The software i have did not come with the seen they explain with in the tutorial. All i need to know is if some one has a different tutorial then the one they gave me. Or the seen.

Thank You

# 2 06-02-2007 , 10:35 PM
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Think theres a tutorial online if you have a look, also maya secrets of the pros has a good maya live tut in it

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 3 06-02-2007 , 10:39 PM
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thanks for that

# 4 07-02-2007 , 12:46 AM
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if anyone else can post it would help to thank you.

# 5 07-02-2007 , 11:29 AM
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# 6 07-02-2007 , 11:33 AM
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I Found that one to but there is still no starting seen thanks any way.

# 7 07-02-2007 , 11:55 AM
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Gotta be honest with ya Robbie, dunno how you're going to go collecting a full _scene_ for a tute like that. You ideally need not only the video footage, but also the measurements taken of the area _too_.

You only need a video of a few seconds of something pretty basic. Convert to AVI or image sequence then go from there. From memory, all the scene really consists of is a poly/nurbs plane with the video applied to it as a texture. Live works out the rest, but you kinda need to have survey measurements.

3DWorld mag from Nov2006 had a pretty good article on putting 3d objects inside a real environment, though it's probably not really what you're after as I believe the camera doesn't get moved, so they just use the measurements they took when in the car-park. They then put a mech-warrior type thing in there. The article was actually called "How can I light a CG model to match a real environment?"

Iy you're just trying to get the hang of how to use live, I could probably send you some basic video along with the relevant measurements, and at a pinch I may even be able to get the basics of the scene for ya. But you'd have to do all the work involved in working out where the camera is. That's the only hard(and laborious) bit anyway. The rest of it's like building with Lego.


# 8 07-02-2007 , 12:34 PM
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Hey Si

In maya live you dont need to have the dimensions just some footage thats about it.

You dont even need to have measurements for doing a single shot CG/real composite, all you need to know is the cameras details, lense, focal lengh etc, then you can "fudge" it using simple stand in objects (obviousley measurements would be ideal as you can then scale everything to suit)

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 9 07-02-2007 , 12:43 PM
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Ahhhhh. Thanks steve. That may well come in very handy. Perhaps I'll go and get some video of that car-park now, after all.

It's 1/4 to 1 in the morning and the prospect of trying to explain myself to police who want to know what I'm doing in a car-park at 1 in the morning with a video camera and a measuring tape didn't really thrill me.

Though, I guess I'll still need to get em at some stage..

Much thanx, yet again mate.

# 10 07-02-2007 , 06:42 PM
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thanks for that

# 11 07-02-2007 , 07:46 PM
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hahaha so the measuring tape was the straw that broke the camel's back?

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# 12 07-02-2007 , 10:08 PM
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thanks enhzflep
if you still wanna send me that video my email adress is thank you

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