Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 1 20-02-2007 , 07:35 PM
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Last edited by surferbro66; 22-02-2007 at 07:37 AM.
# 2 20-02-2007 , 11:37 PM
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Sorry to hear about that.

I attend online and we use Maya to do all the character animation. The tuition is $14k BUT, all your mentors work with Pixar, DW, LWM, DISNEY and all of them.

I have a B so far in class 2. All you do is animation all the time so if you're into modeling or rigging or anything else, then it wouldnt be for u.

Check the student reel out on the home page. You'll love it.


# 3 21-02-2007 , 12:47 AM
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Nice now that is what I'm Looking for. What's is the application Process Like?

# 4 21-02-2007 , 01:06 AM
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Well it could be explained alot better thru IM or something but I'll try here.

You get assignments every week. You get video that you have to watch.. you get live video feeds on a given night for your quarter where you, your class and your mentor talk live about whats goin on and discuss your work and stuff.

(my mentor this quarter is Martin Hopkins, an animator for DreamWorks... done many films, including the new seinfeld animation movie called BeeMovie)

YOu turn in your work on sunday and depending on what mentor you have, you get a video critique sent to you by him/her showing you what they like and what you should change. YOu get graded blah blah.. and so on...

like I said, a lot can be said. You get forums, a community chat page where you can get online and talk in a chat room with other students.. all kinds of stuff.

They give you Maya rigs, but you can do 2d animation or stop motion or even use your own rig in the application of your choice.. as long as you stick to the course material.

Alot of people and sites have tried to mimick this, but they fail miserably. Animationmentor costs alot because its real and they're not just trying to get your money. Of course they want your money, but they teach you something for it and most students get jobs coming out.

A few students from the last graduating class now work at Dreamworks.. another student works at Blue Sky Studios.. another at Pixar and 2 at Lightwave and Magic..., that's bout all I can think of right now.


# 5 22-02-2007 , 02:56 AM
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Maybe online learning is not for you. It takes a lot of self motivation and dicipline to go that route. Some people just don't have it. From what I saw of the videos there is no problem with quality. I am a Gnomon alumni, so I know the instructor quality and knowledge is there. What exactly does not function on the website? Everything seems to be working fine for me. Another thing you mention, but I see no sign of on the website, is this '1-on-1 instruction'. Where did you get that from? That is something that is totally unreasonable for you to expect from any educational institution, with the exception of a personal tutor. I also see that in the FAQ on the website it states that homework critique will be given in the form of 'video, text, and or email'. Video is mentioned as just one of the forms, not the only form of feedback. Did you not get a written critique? This is a new program and I belive the class you are in is the first to go through it. There were some bugs getting the video critique system in place in the first couple weeks, but it is up and running fine, now. You do have to do the homework in order to get the critiques. Have you turned in all the required homework, on time? If you are not satisfied with the quality of education, that is well within your rights. I also know the people running Gnomon very well. They are not unreasonable people...I am sure if you are unsatisfied with the class you can request a refund for the remaining portions of the classes and you can happily go your separate ways.


# 6 22-02-2007 , 04:23 AM
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Last edited by surferbro66; 22-02-2007 at 07:38 AM.
# 7 22-02-2007 , 04:45 AM
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sweet! Im going Here!

Attached Images

Last edited by surferbro66; 22-02-2007 at 07:40 AM.
# 8 22-02-2007 , 05:36 AM
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# 9 22-02-2007 , 05:56 AM
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# 10 22-02-2007 , 06:33 AM
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Wow, its gone off in here.

I'm sure it frustrating that the course is not to your liking, ive seen students drop out of courses as they thought it wasnt for them.

For me I would find doing an online course very hard, not because of my lack of motivation, just that I would prefer moe direct contact and demonstration, which from your posts Surferbro seems you didnt get much of, which on the link you posted it does say that you would, but, not how much.

Looking at the Animation mentor site $14K is a lot to pay when compared to $1600, so it could be you gets what you pay for??

Looks like you've had a bad learning experiance, wheather this be down to the actual content of the course not meeting with your expectations, the lecturing ability or a conflict between yourself and the staff there, and by the looks of it your well angry, but I dont think you should have gone to the lengths of name calling and abuse.

just my opinion, and I do feel bad for you that youve spent a lot of money on something that you've got nothing out of, hopefully as DezFX said you might get some money back??

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle

Last edited by gster123; 22-02-2007 at 10:19 AM.
# 11 22-02-2007 , 06:48 AM
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Last edited by surferbro66; 22-02-2007 at 07:39 AM.
# 12 22-02-2007 , 06:52 AM
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# 13 22-02-2007 , 06:53 AM
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Yeah it is really frustrating when you complain to a professional organization and appear to get Ignored, ive had it with my bank, when they messed up somethiing then charged me for it, I was raging and bouncing round the room at home!

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 14 22-02-2007 , 07:17 AM
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Last edited by surferbro66; 22-02-2007 at 07:39 AM.
# 15 22-02-2007 , 05:11 PM
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Issue resolved

We at Gnomon do our best to attend to every student's needs and requests, and make every effort to deliver the highest quality in everything we do. In an online learning environment, it is sometimes difficult to judge a student's frustration level until something like this happens. When a student is obviously unhappy with the course, or it begins to feel like online distance learning is really not for them, we make every effort to make it work for them, or offer a refund. In this student's case we made efforts very early on to appease him, however, his frustrations climaxed with this post yesterday.

We do not want even one of our students to feel as though they were ignored or pushed to the side. In fact, students have my direct line, so if email does not seem to get their point across they always have the freedom to call me directly. They can also call the Gnomon School to have questions answered.

The issue is now resolved.

Eric Miller
Gnomon Online

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