Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 1 05-03-2007 , 05:48 AM
archVille1979's Avatar
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newbie qst about positioning

I want to Import some 3dS files (.3ds) but when I try to import any of this files, it seems to be extreme large for my environment.

The problem is when i try to scale them I lose them from my environment so am in a situation trying to seek them and brign them to my center of the axis xyz.
Is there any suggestion how to scale them and bring them in front of me(in the start of xyz axis) or bring them and then scale them ?

How can I select the object-group from my outliner and with somehow way be transfered to my object immediately?Is there a way for doing this?

Thanxuser added image

archVille !
# 2 05-03-2007 , 06:16 AM
happymat27's Avatar
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If you select an object then hit the f key it will centre the selection in your view port.

# 3 05-03-2007 , 07:39 AM
archVille1979's Avatar
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That is helpfull but even if i scale it to smaller, I really cant find a way to place my object in the start of xyz axis line.
If a hit the f key it will centre in my object but i will be somehow lost from the center of xyz axis.

Is there any command to use that will move my opbject to specific xyz coords???And how can I specify the coords of my center axis so to move it there after i scale it ?


archVille !
# 4 05-03-2007 , 08:16 AM
happymat27's Avatar
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No worries,

In the attached image the area outlined in red is the Channel box, this is where you'll find all of the positional information about an object or group, if you can't see it then hit the icon that I have outlined in orange.

If you put all of the translate attributes (highlighted in purple) to 0 then the object will be moved to the origin (x=0, y=0, z=0). If the pivot on the object is not central to the object you can do this by selecting the object and using the Centre Pivot command, under the Modify menu, before you set the translate attributes to 0.

Hope that's what you needed,


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# 5 05-03-2007 , 08:37 AM
archVille1979's Avatar
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Thanx for your help but unfortunately i cound worked it.

As you see in the image below, I have imported an object .3ds (a barn house exactly) and it is been positioned somewhere ... (i Dont know where...!!!).The Transalet XYZ coords are all 0-0-0, eventhough I have centered my pivot.

What is wrong?

Attached Thumbnails

archVille !
# 6 05-03-2007 , 09:54 AM
happymat27's Avatar
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It sounds like the the transformations were frozen when you imported it.

Is the grid displayed? If it isn't make sure it is by going to the Display menu and checking the Grid option.

Now if you make a new primative, say a poly sphere, you will be able to centre that at 0,0,0 so you will have a reference for the origin. Scale your barn house so that it is really tiny and then select your Sphere from the outliner and hit f to centre it in the work view.

Next select your barn house in the outliner and hit w, this will activate the translate manipulator, then holding the x key (snap object to grid) middle mouse button click the cursor over the centre point of the grid and your barn should jump there. Scale it up to the desired size and delete the sphere.

Maybe this will work,


# 7 05-03-2007 , 10:12 AM
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It somehow worked.It brings it a bit far but the good news is that it brings it to the same screen with the grid so everything is fine, as the only thing to do then is to move it and scale it.

Thank you very much...

archVille !
# 8 05-03-2007 , 03:56 PM
danotronXX's Avatar
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sometimes in these situations what I like to do is select my persp camera and increase the far clip value from 1000 to 10000. then I usually see my grid show up somewhere far and manually move the object to the center.

# 9 05-03-2007 , 11:35 PM
archVille1979's Avatar
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Where is the far clip value?

Maybe this is one another good solution, because as I remembered when Tried to get away from the grid (a long far away)i couldnt trace it or i have moved out from the screen limits.

archVille !
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