i did serach didnt find that though and ive now tried doing it and it still didnt work i did the clean up mesh and didnt work so im confused im new to maya and dont know technical terms. heres a pic incase u can spot something.
do not use the booleans tool.exspecialy if your new.this tool is nothing but trouble.do you see where you got the arm into the body turn on wireframe on shaded cut along the body around the arms delet the faces combined both peices of geometry and merge the verts( use the snap tool to line the verts up)takes five minutes no headaches and works fine.
oh so you can just skip this part? i didnt really understand what the boolean tool did. so let me make sure im getting theis right i delete the socket of the arm so it has a hole in it and then what? what does combine pieces of geometry mean? i know how to merge vertices
im a bit confused i dont know technichal terms lol btw thanks for your help
Boolean Operations only work on closed geometry, it does have its own issues.
Chris (formerly R@nSiD) Twitter When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will truely know peace - Jimmy Hendrix Winner SM VFX Challenge 1 3rd Place SM SteamPunk Challenge (May 2007)
Hi jtg91, I'm new to this 3d stuff but it looks like your doing the Basic Human Modeling tutorial by Kurt. I just completed that tutorial myself and I had the same problem trying to union the arm to the body. both my body and arm dissappeared.
The problem for me was that my arm was not completely inserted into the body. There was a gap between part of my arm and the body (even though it looked inserted). Once I found that stray vertex and moved it into the body, the union worked perfectly. You just gotta make sure the etire edge of the arm is COMPLETELY inserted into the body. As Kurt instructed in the tutorial, increase the width of your border edges and you'll easily see if any parts are not fully inserted.
Even after you perform the union, you still have to go in and merge vertexes, so I agree with everyone else, that sometimes it's better just to marry up the two pieces of geometry, combine them, and then merge the vertexes.
well i did make sure that it was inserted beacuase i shoved the hole arm in body and still didnt work lol im doing what everyone said and combining the shapes and merging vertexs so much easier thanks for the reply
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