Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 1 11-12-2002 , 12:45 AM
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my file is slooow,specially when skinning...more inside m8s scene has 1 very simplistic character,and some of its components,a skeleton and a wrap mesh for wrap dform(i sometimes delete that) the char is subd btw...

this is the prob i dont see any blinddata but ater i smooth skin gets slow when i move the joints..the updates isnt sould be since im only bindong it to the 0 is this solved???? this is turning me please :-(

# 2 11-12-2002 , 02:07 AM
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what kind of computer system do you have?

I know on my comp, SubDiv is very slow... and my comp's pretty decent.

# 3 11-12-2002 , 05:34 AM
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1800+ amd
398mb ddr
mx440 64mb ddr
epox 8kha+ pc is pretty decent too.....must be the blindatas????? i cant see any

# 4 11-12-2002 , 09:17 AM
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sub-d's crack my system when i go too complex.. .but with simple characters... it is pretty smooth.. hey!! what do they expect... everyone to have an IBM intellistation M pro??? or a boxx system.... my system is pretty decent too... i guess every mayan has a decent system..

# 5 11-12-2002 , 11:50 AM
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so,what do you guys suggest?

# 6 11-12-2002 , 05:43 PM
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well.... if you absolutely have to use SubDiv, you would either need to upgrade your system or, easier, hide your SubDiv object while setting keys and animating and such, then use a playblast to see how it looks... a little cumbersome perhaps.

I usually use Polys... but thats just my preference.

# 7 11-12-2002 , 10:11 PM
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polys? ur in game dev m8?

yes,i need to use subd's...thats the reason im jumping into maya :-),nothing else..........btw,is this out of the control of users?

# 8 11-12-2002 , 10:14 PM
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mck:btw.....the file is already fast and clean now....i did some reworking on deleting the geometry and new skeleton be honest...i still dont know whats causing this......i bet support wont tell you how to avoid this when i finally decided to get maya :-)....btw,max support is crap around my region hehehehe hell im better than the best they had(no kidding)

# 9 12-12-2002 , 12:15 PM
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another solution could be to stay as long as possible in poly. as subd is only the endresult after smoothing. so you make the best possible version you can do in poly and go to subd in the last step, adding some creases to the model. if you model good in poly you wont need to pull any subd vertices. but be sure to only create 4 vertice polygons. if you use anything else, you slow down the subd an awefull lot.

some technical thing: i believe (i am not sure) that the subds in maya are subdivision NURBS surfaces - as they behave exactly as subdivision b-splines (algorithm wise from what it looks like). and these subdivision NURBS surfaces can be calculated real easy with 4 vert polys, and have a huge overhead then you have other polys (this could explain why maya gets slow if you dont use 4 vert polys).

hope that helps

# 10 12-12-2002 , 02:52 PM
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most of my models are quads :-) some are n sided and i stay away from tris as much as possible :-) got that habit from max :-)

maya's subd rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

# 11 12-12-2002 , 05:10 PM
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Originally posted by pitbull
most of my models are quads :-) some are n sided and i stay away from tris as much as possible :-) got that habit from max :-)

maya's subd rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

then why do you think it is rated as the best 3d package around???

# 12 12-12-2002 , 06:10 PM
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# 13 12-12-2002 , 09:21 PM
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lol...its a subliminal message :-)

tariqf: yes it is :-) the more i learn how to do things in maya,the more i can duplicate the effect in max...then im using max again :-) beats the purpose lol :-) i still miss many things about max though.....after i am reasonably comfortable w my maya knowledge..ill try xsi.....looks promising

# 14 12-12-2002 , 09:49 PM
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Well that makes sense, as each program does essentially the same things. :p

# 15 13-12-2002 , 12:34 PM
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mtl: lol! actually :-) only the jargons are different :-) the only thing unique w maya is artisan..very powerful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

max is a rip off lol!!!! a very expensive rip off :-)

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