I haven’t done any Maya work in months, but over the last week I have re-installed and realised why I enjoyed it first time round! :attn:
So, with any luck I will have some WIP shots to post soon, but first a few questions.
1) I think I know the answer to this but anyway. I converted a half complete model into SubD's to see how it looked. I then tweaked the model and made it look a lot more fluid and as I wanted. Bearing in mind I did not extrude or do any deleting only vert moves, is there a way I could have converted back to Polygons but having exactly that same face, edge and vert count?
When I tried to convert back I ended up with loads more faces, edges and verts that would have made further modelling really hard. In the end I scrapped the idea and went back to a previous save point.
2) I have been modelling a head and body separate. So far I have concentrated on the head. To get it looking nice and crisp I have increased edge numbers. When I come to adding the head to the body do I need to keep the flow of edges going, so that the body which does not need as much detail has the same large amount of edges? So far I have kept all faces 4 sided, is it a good habit to keep an entire model like this?
For example: the base of the neck on the head model has 20-30 edges, where as the connecting location at the top of the shoulder has only 10-15 edges. Should I split the body into much smaller parts to allow for a clean flow of edges from the head down to the feet? From there I could be faced with simple or small geometries needing loads of edges just to match the amounts in the head!
There will be more questions to come I'm sure as I work on further parts of the WIP, look out internet Azimuth is back in town...