Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 1 10-06-2007 , 09:06 AM
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Extensive Newbie Questions List

I am fairly new to Maya, I have been spending close to 10 hours a day practicing with the free tutorials, reading the Maya Help Documentation, and reading the few forums related that I can to learn as much as possible. After not knowing what I want to do as a profession for the last 4 years (since I graduated highschool) I finally realized I want to do 3D modeling, game graphics specifically. I have come up with quite a few questions in the past few days I haven't really been able to answer though.

1) What is the difference between 3 and 4 sided polygons? It seems some models (such as the dog tutorial) use 4 sided polys and other models (such as the World of Warcraft characters) use 3 sided polys. I am just trying to figure out why one is chosen over the other.

2) When using the Hypershader I create a lambert for the imageplane to use as a reference. I do...
Create Render Node > File > Load Image and sometimes it loads onto the lambert, and sometimes it doesn't. It usually works if I go through the process again, but it rarely works the first time I do it. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong?

3) Is there a way to keep the imageplane with the reference image from becoming semi transparent when using X-ray? Basically some of my reference images aren't too dark to begin with, and when I use x-ray I cant see the lines on the reference image because the primitive objects are darker than the plane.

4) What is the reasoning behind using the Delete By Type History command? On some tutorials they say when to use it, and some say not to use it. I am trying to figure out when you are supposed to use it, and why.

5) Is there a way to completely set everything in Maya back to default without reinstalling?

6) Nurbs vs Polys vs Subdivs? Im trying to figure out how one decides what to start with and what to finish with. Thus far it seems starting with Nurbs, converting to Polygons, then using Subdivs to smooth it out is the most common method. As far as I can guess Nurbs are the easiest to work with for characters atleast, then polygons are more efficient but sharp, and subdivs are used to make the polygons look better?

7) How can you check to see how many polys your model has?

# 2 10-06-2007 , 10:01 AM
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Some questions there. OK let me see if I can answer them all for you.

1) there is no real difference to 3 or 4 sided polys par se, just that they have 3 or 4 edges/verts. But it all comes down to what you are going to do with those polys once you are happy with the geometry of your model. Now 4 sided polys are best when you are going to be converting you poly model into a Sub-D, this ensures good geometry flow and stops you getting issues with geometry. If however you are going to use a model within a game engine then you MUST ensure that the 4 sided geometry is triangulated. This is for one simple reason... realtime render ...All geometry is converted into tri at render time, be it a model for an image or a game model running within a game engine. Always try to model as much as possilble using 4 sided polys.

2) I have had this issue before and found it could be down to something as simple as your machine specs or the image file you are using is very large.

3) Simple Answer... No. But there is a MEL script out there that allows on the selected geometry to be on XRay whilst the remainder stays as is. It is called "Xray Toggle Object" ( This should solve your problem and allow you to work with your image refs.

4) Delete by Type History is a tool used everyday by about 100% of 3D artists regardless of the application used. Maya uses an operator stack to remember what you have done to a peice of geo from start to finish. This builds up a history of the object that you may be able to go back and change certain elements from older operations you have done, bevels, extrusions, texture projections, the list goes on. Now with all this data still existing on your object, this increases the stress on Maya, your RAM and most importantly the size of your file. I would delete type history on any object once you are happy doing what you are going to do with it. Once you are 100% sure what you have done is fine and you wont need to ammend or undo any previous action.

5) Yes, in the preferences you can use the menu to set any of those to their defaults. Also deleting/renaming your env file in the prefs directory in maya your maya folder will set everything back to default.

6) Its your choice... Kurts process is to create a nurbs object and work from that to get his shape and then moves into polys by converting his NURBS objects. This is a fine process that works for him, but might not be suited by everyone. Its a personal preference. I would not however start in Sub-D's. Polys or NURBS is where to start. I would for the time being follow Kurts example as it worked for me and most people on this site from the begining. I normally go from polys, but it depends on what I am doing.

7) Easy one... Display > Heads Up Display > Poly Count. If remember right.

Chris (formerly R@nSiD)
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# 3 10-06-2007 , 04:12 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by R@nSiD
7) Easy one... Display > Heads Up Display > Poly Count. If remember right.

Just a quick add-on to what R@nSid said, the total poly count is the number of faces. So when you turn on the PC (Poly Count, not Personal Computer user added image ) zoom out till you can see your entire scene and look at the number of faces to the left.
user added image

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