Integrating 3D models with photography
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# 61 29-06-2007 , 12:20 AM
99GsTurbo's Avatar
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wow, its been forever since ive seen this thread. Its looking really good, im loving ur work

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# 62 29-06-2007 , 01:30 PM
happymat27's Avatar
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Thanks arran and 99GsTurbo,

Yeah it's nice to see some movement after you've been staring at a lifeless model for a while!!

I've spent the day animating Nells head and synching her lips to a track from a movie. It's the first time that I've tried lip synching and I'm pertty pleased with the results but know that I can do better.

The UI seems to be working well and I think that it has streamlined the workflow a bit. It goes to show that a little extra effort makes life easier in the long run!!

Anyway, the following link will take you to the fruits of my days labour,

I have to advise that the video contains EXPLICIT LANGUAGE

If anyone is offended by this I will be happy to remove the link.

Right click and save THIS for the clip.

any thoughts are always welcome.



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# 63 29-06-2007 , 03:45 PM
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That made coffee come out my nose! :lmao:

I love it. Awesome job on the lip sync Mat. Also nice to see Nell got a bit of a potty mouth...


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# 64 29-06-2007 , 06:43 PM
Rhetoric Camel's Avatar
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wow man that is great, way better than I can do, makes me want to start learning animation now that I've gotten better at modeling and texturing
Love the clip

# 65 29-06-2007 , 08:15 PM
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ha ha ha!! Didn't see that coming!

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# 66 02-07-2007 , 10:41 PM
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sounds like your in the red during the music.., and that spells an instant gong in any audio house; do not let your levels EVER get into the red. OR it might be stock uni assignment stuff that they have given you, which in that case you have no control over. The initial first part of any word can be up to a 30 db increase in dynamics on the overall word, especially the Ps and and such. make your audio hot, but not over the red, ever.. or you will lose the job. even if it doesn't sound distorted.

anolgue is a little more forgiving on fast peaks than digital, it will absorb the fast peak into the overall sound better.., this sounds like digital with a little too much reverb and not enough presence (mid tones).

Generally speaking, you have your certain lower fundamental frequencies, with upper harmonics which modulate to create the timbre, or characteristic of a sound (for instance, why a flute sounds different than an acoustic guitar); if a fundamental is, say 60Hz, its harmonic overtones would be 120, 240, 480, etc. For dialog, my general rule-of-thumb breakdown has been the following, at least for a male voice:

- 20-250Hz - Plosives (Popping "Peh" sounds)
- 500Hz - Proximity
- 900Hz - Presence
- 2,000-3,000 Hz - Clarity
- 5,000-6,000 Hz - Brightness/Crispness
- 8,000Hz-10,000Hz - Clicks/Sibilence (sharp "S" hiss sounds)

take it easy and life will be easy
# 67 03-07-2007 , 12:48 AM
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Posts: 1,043
OMG mate i love the character ...good job mat and the lip sync is damn good to me ..I loved it is so much more real when it is animated that is for sure.

# 68 03-07-2007 , 01:40 AM
t1ck135's Avatar
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LOL now that was good
She's one dirty mouthed little girl you've created Mat user added image


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# 69 03-07-2007 , 01:51 AM
happymat27's Avatar
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Hello folks and cheers for your comments,

Yeah, she's got quite a mouth on her!

This doesn't reflect at all how she'll act in the final animation, I just couldn't resist using that clip after saw the movie.

Mirek: the audio clip was just ripped off youtube so I didn't have much control over the quality of the sound but that's some interesting info about sound there, I rekon it's way beyond the call of duty for this project but I'll bear it in mind for the future.

I've taken a break from my project for the past couple of days and have finally got round to building a website, it's pretty basic (following the good old K.I.S.S. rule again!!) and not quite completed yet but it's live so feel free to take a look. (let me know what you think)

I'll be back onto my project again after the weekend I rekon.

Thanks again,


# 70 03-07-2007 , 02:24 AM
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Posts: 1,043
website looks good .only thing i can think of is that if future employeers try to look at your site or recruiter it might not dawn on them to run cursor over the cubes to see the menu options ...with them just blank it is kinda confusing i think. To show off your work to people that want to hire you might just like it with words or something else . Just my opinion. But i do love all the pics and all the animations. Never seen the gun one ...

# 71 03-07-2007 , 05:51 AM
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Cheers for the tip Matt,

all sorted now!!


# 72 03-07-2007 , 05:55 AM
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that is better ..i had my boss at work go to first one you did and he was like well what do i do now ..and now he just went to this one and said he liked it alot better ... just one thing though he said ..the back button was just a circle ..he said he would put the word back in smaller letters ...bold black help ..but other than that i love the changes ...

# 73 03-07-2007 , 10:09 AM
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Hey Mat,

Site is simple, clean & very easy to nav (and best of all - no banner adds user added image )

1 suggestion - what you think about adding a light diffuse shadow below the geometry to help sell the illusion that there are class objects floating above the floor? Not sure how it will effect your copyright notice tho...


"If you think you can or if you think you can't....... you're right!"
- Henry Ford.

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# 74 03-07-2007 , 11:43 AM
arran's Avatar
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hey mat - love the website - very cool. user added image

# 75 04-07-2007 , 12:28 PM
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yes I thought it something you might consider in the future.., if you want to stay in movies.., you would do very well to do more than consider it my friend. I know you dont need all the compliments.., I know you appreciate more than.., 'wow, thats great.' I also know its nice to have your work appreciated too user added image


ps, I did imagine what it would look like with a quality sound.., think about it.., cant be bad to put that little extra into it eh?

as far as the web site, havent looked at it but matt's tips sound good.., the web conventions are there for a reason.

take it easy and life will be easy

Last edited by mirek03; 04-07-2007 at 12:30 PM.
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