Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 1 04-09-2007 , 06:50 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 28

To the power of??

Hey, I've got a little problem that I want to solve using an expression. Without going into details about what I've done, I basicly have to write an expression using 'the power of' operator.
I read through the documentation in the maya help files, and i can run the example it gives 'pow 2 4' which = 16, but when i try to assign that to an attribute using the expression editor, it just gives me a syntax error. What im trying to do is:

Object.Attribute = (1.7 * ( pow PathLength.input1X -.73));
PathLength.input1X is a float

I cant see any syntax errors in that, but even having the line
Object.Attribute = pow 2 4; gives me a syntax error, which is copied straight from the documentation.

Is the syntax used in the expression editor different to that used in the script editor? and if so, how do I put a number to the power of another number? (i tried using the ^ and no dice)

Any help on this would be appreciated,
Thanks, Joel

# 2 04-09-2007 , 07:59 PM
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you need to use it like a standard function - the maya help doesnt help at all in showing that user added image

float $var = pow(2,4);
print $var

>> Gives

So your code would be:
Object.Attribute = 1.7 * ( pow(PathLength.input1X, -0.73));

EDIT: Looks like you asked about this elsewhere and got the right answer a few months ago:


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Last edited by t1ck135; 04-09-2007 at 08:08 PM.
# 3 04-09-2007 , 08:36 PM
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Posts: 28


Thanks for the reply, I'm not sure how that happened, i posted the same question at highend 3d about 5 minutes after I did here, not sure why it said it was a few months ago. I didnt realise how quick I would get responses user added image.

Thanks for the help with that, im not sure why they wouldnt say that in the maya documentation, would have made life alot easier.

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