Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 151 16-09-2007 , 11:33 PM
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looking nice mat user added image
I like the movement around the scene, and if you're playing with the camera angle it should make it even better
One thing I thought where it slowed down was the climb to the hospital on the hill - a gust of wind or something that really accelerates the little dude could help speed him up there faster


Examples of bTraffic - a traffic animation tool for Maya
bFlocking - a tool for Maya 8.5+ to generate flocking and swarming behaviours
Jan/Feb Challenge 2007 Entry and W.I.P
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# 152 20-09-2007 , 05:36 AM
happymat27's Avatar
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how's things?

Cheers for your thoughts, I think that it seems to slow down as it climbs the hill because there's nothing on the hill (trees etc.). I'm not entirely sure why I did this but I've left populating this area until I'm happy with the area outside the hospital walls.

Once it's got the bits and bobs in place I hope it'll look OK, if it still seems too slow, I'll have a shot at the gust of wind idea.

Anyway, I've been filling out the scene with some more trees, fences and a big red barn. I've also had a bit of a play around with moving the moth about, you can watch the results....

HERE (2.5Meg)

Once again apologies for the quality 40 seconds video into 2.5Meg = fuzzy!

Any thoughts that anyone has are always appreciated.,



# 153 20-09-2007 , 06:02 AM
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I don't know what you have planned in the storyboard, but i think it will be pretty sweet if the bug hits the window of the hospital in the end instead of going through it.
I imagine the camera still focusing on the window while the bug slides down off the window and maybe that the grim reaper character walks in front of the window at that moment looks at the dying bug and takes out a notebook with a scoreboard that says something like; living score= 0 and death score=153321098644578 (since no one escapes death eventually).
I like the overall 2d environment look by the way, it reminds me of a fairytale book, that you could unfold into a maquette/3d view of a castle, i used to have when i was a kid.

keep up the good workuser added image

# 154 20-09-2007 , 06:52 AM
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Originally posted by mastone
since no one escapes death eventually.

I do!!!


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# 155 20-09-2007 , 07:23 PM
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the idea is that the moth flies through the window and lands on the end of Nell's bed and in turn this introduces Nell to the story.

But........... I've been having issues with the speed of the moth as it flies through the hospital ward and your idea will completely deal with this problem so, if it's OK with you, I'll be using it instead of my own and adjusting my storyboard accordingly.

Steve the immortal, "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!!!".



# 156 20-09-2007 , 09:09 PM
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"so, if it's OK with you, I'll be using it instead of my own and adjusting my storyboard accordingly"

Onl y if you mention me as the uber-director of all times at the endcredits.......only joking off course you canuser added image

"Steve the immortal, "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!!!"."
I'm Connor Macleod of the clan Macleod and there can be only one(sound of blade chopping of steve's head)...LOL

# 157 06-10-2007 , 07:54 PM
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it's been a couple of weeks since an update... bogged under with uni stuff (project proposals etc..).

Anyway, I've been plugging away at this in the background.... well getting a bit done here and there at any rate.

I've mainly been working on the intro, sorting out the lighting and planting trees. I've also properly imported DEATH into the ward and have been tinkering with the lighting and shadows and shaders there too.

I've attached an image that I rendered out today to test the lighting etc. My new computer chewed through it in a mere 1 minute 25 seconds, that's nearly 5 minutes quicker than my old one, bargain!

Any thoughts are always apreciated.



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# 158 06-10-2007 , 09:38 PM
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looking very cool happymat - love the feel of your characters, if you know what i mean.

this is going to be sweet!user added image

# 159 06-10-2007 , 10:08 PM
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Commin together real nice Mat!

Couple of thoughts... Where are the leads/tubes from Nell going? Also, I really like the medial equipment but I do feel that the monitor display should be a little brighter as it seems a little dark atm (or is it just me). On that, is this display motion graphics or a still image?

1 last thing - What do think about giving Death an exaggerated top hat with a red or black sash like a traditional undertaker? This can also be a device to conceal his identity until you need to completely reveal him (possibly in close-up during a lighting flash?)

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- Henry Ford.

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# 160 07-10-2007 , 08:57 AM
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Cheers arran, let's hope so eh!

Dave: The tubes go to the breathing machine (see image), it'll be seen in the actual animation as Nell goes out of the window next to it.

I'll have a play around with the instrument screen glow, see if I can get it a bit brighter without it becoming the focus of the scene. I've not decided about having motion graphics on the instrument panels yet, I guess it would be easy enough with a sprinkling of PI magic but it will be one of the last things (if I have time) I do before rendering as I need to focus on animating the characters now.

Cheers for your thoughts,


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# 161 09-10-2007 , 11:44 AM
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It's coming along nicely! I'm interested to see the end product in 2 years (I'll be gone to Chile for two years without computer access). Hey, I've enjoyed watching your progress! That last playblast is a lot better with the moth not being in the center and having a little bit of swing to it. It gives a greater sense of movement! Awesome work, mate! Cheers


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# 162 10-10-2007 , 10:26 AM
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wow I haven't looked at this thread in a while, I like the progress so far. I'm anxious to see the finished project.

# 163 10-10-2007 , 10:53 AM
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Sparticus: Good luck in Chile, how you gonna manage without internet!?!

Rhetoric: Thanks man, you have a bit of a wait before it's going to be done though.. Feb 14th 2008 is when it needs to be submitted so that'll probably be the day that I finish editing!! I should be starting to animate the charcters within the next week so expect some updates soon.

Thanks again,


# 164 14-10-2007 , 07:48 AM
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yeah I've missed this thread for a bit but your project is developing very well mat user added image

like already mentioned (and acknowledged) a bit of glow from the screens would help and wouldnt necessarily detract if kept low.
The tubes do look a little strange over the bed - maybe a little cradle or something like the things that hold plasma up (but a lot lower here) might tidy it up around the bed but leave them going offscreen as they currently are? I'd guess a little google imaging on hospital beds may show something that could be used?
Keep up the good work and I cant wait to see the end product! user added image


Examples of bTraffic - a traffic animation tool for Maya
bFlocking - a tool for Maya 8.5+ to generate flocking and swarming behaviours
Jan/Feb Challenge 2007 Entry and W.I.P
May/Jun Challenge 2006 Entry and W.I.P
Mar/Apr Challenge 2006 Entry and W.I.P
Jan/Feb Challenge 2006 Entry and W.I.P
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# 165 14-10-2007 , 09:42 AM
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it's alright happymatt I'm sure I'll still be on here then to see it.

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