please help me with my urgent blendshape problem
hello guys.
i have a problem here with blendshape and set driven key....
fig1 shows the arm rotated in the Y axis at 90degrees...i added a blendshape/setdriven key combo that will deform the shoulder armpit area when the joint rotate in this manner...
everything is nice and perfect until i rotated the elbow joint(i also have a set driven key there that activates the blendshape when ever it rotated in x90 so the elbow dont look ugly when the joints move)...the morph target of the elbow somewhat affects the morph effect of the shoulders as well(fig2)...i tried removing the vertexes in component editor...but i cant find them is there a way to fix this? in max,u can apply the morph/angle trick locally to a given group of there a way out of my problem? please help me.