Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 181 07-11-2007 , 05:14 AM
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Cheers guys,

I've decided against the rain and lightning for the intro, I tried it and it became quite confused. As the titles are going around the moth action I figure I can live without the weather as (hopefully) the viewer will be concentrating on trying to read.

360 rolls...Dave, have you been watching star wars? I might give it a bash for a laugh!

Yeah DEATHs a lefty, the only reference I had for holding a pen was my own hand!!

I've made a start on DEATHs walkcycle for the ward today, you can watch a playblast of it so far....

HERE (750k)

I've still got lots to do to it but it's great to see one of my main characters moving at last!!!

Let me know what you rekon,


# 182 07-11-2007 , 08:51 AM
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The intro looks nice Mat, good job user added image
Death's walk cycle is nice too - it looks like it has definite purpose.

cant wait to see more user added image


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# 183 08-11-2007 , 02:09 AM
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Thanks Si,

I've been playing with the walk cycle, amongst other things, today, the planted leg wasn't remaining straignt during the stride so I had to sort that also there was a little foot slippage.

I sorted the leg and foot slippage but, because of his very long legs, have a new problem to sort out (tomorrow!), the up/down motion is very sharp on the transition. I've got plenty of time to get it right so there's no particular panic.

I had to take my older daughter to Gymnastics this afternoon and thought I'd keep my computer busy by rendering out the cycle....

CLICK THIS (750Kb-ish)

You'll be able to see what I mean about the up/down motion. I need to sort out the shadows too!!

Any thoughts would be cool,


Last edited by happymat27; 08-11-2007 at 02:13 AM.
# 184 08-11-2007 , 02:12 AM
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I had a picture to go with that previous post but forgot to attach it.

Here it is.......

Attached Thumbnails
# 185 08-11-2007 , 03:15 AM
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Hey Mat,

I totally love the way this is shaping up! So when ya finally finished with UNI & have some time - hows about teaching me all you know? user added image .

Shame the storm idea didn't work for the intro because I think a bright flash or 2 from lightning outside could really add to this scene. I noticed the shadows and the slight bobbing head issue, but you have them covered anyway.

What about adding a slight cam pan? For me, a slow pan from upper left to lower right (making sure the cam doesn't intersect with death as he passes by. I know it's easy to over do cam movements, so I guess you have to consider what happens in the next couple of shots.

Oh & 1 more thought (sorry), apart from the fact that Death is a walking/talking skeleton, have you thought about giving him some "other worldly" presence? Some way of lifting him from the natural world? Like he's always followed by an evil fog perhaps? Or maybe something subtle like his shadow can defy the lighting in some way?

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# 186 09-11-2007 , 12:44 PM
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Great work! It looks really nice. Love the design. Just one thing regarding the walk cycle. When he takes a step doesn't the leg go a little to high? Like he is walking in snow or something. Might be just me though.
Otherwise, awesome work!

# 187 13-11-2007 , 02:20 PM
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Cheers for your thoughts,

I like the idea of a slow camera pan, I'll get that into the final cut.

As for the walkcycle......

I wasn't happy, after 3 attempts, with how it was shaping up so have decided to try a different look. Basically we took the kids to see Ratatouille the other week it has since struck me that the way that Anton Ego moves could be what I was after.

I've made a walk cycle for DEATH based on the way that Anton moves, there's still work to do on it but I thought that some feedback about my change of tack would be good.

CLICK THIS (833Kb) to watch the update.



edit: I have since making that clip added a slight hump to his back.

# 188 13-11-2007 , 03:35 PM
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It looks good. I'm not too found of the walk sequence I'm afraid. It seems to jerky and in my head (and the clitches) death seems to sort of glid rather than walk with a limp. Other than that I LOVE IT!!!! Such a great atmosphere.

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# 189 14-11-2007 , 07:36 PM
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wow your really good, thats awesome.

# 190 24-11-2007 , 08:26 PM
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first off mate, sorry i haven't commented in a while - I always seem to catch your updates at work where i can't watch video.

second - this looking awesome! Well done mate - i'm really loving all the details - ha ha - his checklist is great - reminds me a bit of wes anderson if you know what i mean.

the new intro is great - it works really well - and i like the squishing into the window ending - i imagine it will be a good lead into the mr death character - is it the moth that he's ticking off on his to do list? user added image

one thing that bothers me is the moon - it looks like you have a sphere - i know you only see it briefly, but i think it would be better if it was flat - so you don't see any shading - at the moment it just looks like a ball floating in the sky. user added image

yeah - the walk still needs some work - that jerk needs smoothing out and i also think he could do with a bit of a side to side sway. At the moment it just seems a bit too up and down.

as always though, these are minor crits!

keep at it mate! user added image

Last edited by arran; 25-11-2007 at 01:31 AM.
# 191 25-11-2007 , 12:51 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
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this has shaped up nicely me the creeps hehhehe good job mate ....excellent work ....

sorry i been gone for a bit

# 192 03-12-2007 , 05:11 PM
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Hello folks,

sorry it's been a while, I've been bogged under with other university stuff and haven't been able to touch this for ages!

I've just finished all of the stuff that needs to be submitted before christmas (CLICK THIS to see what I've been up to) so I can now concentrate all of my efforts on getting this to where it should be right now.

Stay tuned for updates,


# 193 03-12-2007 , 06:56 PM
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ha ha - very good. user added image

# 194 04-12-2007 , 02:15 AM
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looks great.., you could fiddle with lighting forever on this one.., the walk cycle.., reminds me a little of lurch in the ADAMS FAMILY.., not DEATH. I would imagine death to be more spider like in his walk.., slower, looking carefully from side to side.., hands slightly reaching out.., ready to grab at something.., the knees lift more, the hands creepy.., long fingers to match the overall look.., ect

sorry, the walk does not look like the walk of death to me.., when i think walk of death.., i think 'spider' not 'lurch.' user added image (no need for a hump back.., the character will be in the walk from here no matter how much you try to patch up whats missing by re-arranging the model.., i dont think re-modelling will do anything for the character.., the model is already great.)

jut my opinion.

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# 195 07-12-2007 , 01:45 AM
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saw a tut that might work here.., you might be able to cheat some inexpensive occusion by using some piont lights set to cubic.., depending on yor scene size the intensity around 500.., say one on either side at the top in regular intervals. could get some nice warm/cold feels that way.., which ever way you want to tone it.

take it easy and life will be easy
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