Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 1 28-10-2007 , 11:16 AM
Mayastatic's Avatar
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You can ignore!

Hello at all!

I´m a little bit interested in to know how I can import Game Data in Maya?
I have a Game and I want to import some Geometry of it.

But the Geometry Data is encoded.
They are .BIG files wich I don´t know to open!

Knows anybody how to open them?

# 2 28-10-2007 , 12:54 PM
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In most games people(who made the game) don't want you to use their materials (I think it's even considered illegal in most cases).
Therefor, unless you want to disassemble those files you don't really have a way of using what's in there(besides playing the game of course).
Even if there is a way your probably looking in the wrong place user added image .

# 3 28-10-2007 , 07:57 PM
Posts: n/a
i would say to get zmodeler they have plugins for just about every frikin game and even if your not modeling in it its good as a conversion tooluser added image

btw what game is it you want to get models from?

# 4 29-10-2007 , 09:15 PM
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Need for Speed Most Wanted

I really want see how a wireframe of the Models look! And I think that I can learn a lot of them!
The Game Industry is thinking about communitys, which let users make the Patches for the Games which fixing out the Bugs of the Games!
Pro Evolution Soccer for PS3 is very slow and has much Bugs in it.
The Problem is the HD Support.
The hole Industry has problems with that new Topic High Definition!

And I said PS3... You know the specs...

# 5 30-10-2007 , 08:10 AM
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dude you should ave said it was an nfs game :bandit:

go to<--- best bet youll find something there man just register sit back and peek arounduser added image

# 6 30-10-2007 , 08:23 AM
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Last edited by Acid44; 30-10-2007 at 08:34 AM.
# 7 30-10-2007 , 10:15 AM
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Thank you very much!
I looked a little bit in it and it seems very difficult!
But very interisting!
I must read, but I think there is not a tool which only converts the BIG. files to a MA. file or anything like that!

The Z-Modeler is a very poor version of a kind of 3d applikation, or not?
I thought that I can use Maya for that!


C&C are always welcome!

Probably is this Thread a new Topic to discuss?!?user added image

# 8 30-10-2007 , 07:40 PM
Posts: n/a
zmodeler is good once you learn how to use it but all you can do in it is model so i just use it as a conversion tool

dont worry about anyone getting mad the only time theres a problem on SM is when like everyone is having a bad day loluser added image

its a pain in the ass to make anything for anygame but its definately worth it when you see your work in gameuser added image

# 9 11-11-2007 , 02:52 PM
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any more info or anything you need?... im bored...:p

# 10 12-11-2007 , 10:57 AM
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Hello Acid!
Can you give me a step by step instruction to install and convert a file to a mb. file. So I can work on it in maya?

I hate manuals like they in the program...

user added image see you!

# 11 13-11-2007 , 02:04 PM
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add me to your msn if you have it and when i get my computer back up and running ill guide you through it manuser added image

# 12 14-11-2007 , 06:40 AM
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I´m waiting for my net account! I post you...

# 13 19-11-2007 , 05:58 AM
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Does someone know of a way I can get the models of The Elder Scrolls IV - Oblivion? Looking at the game with toggle wireframe looks so damn cool...

# 14 22-11-2007 , 09:16 AM
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If I get some Tips, I post it!

# 15 23-11-2007 , 05:29 PM
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