Integrating 3D models with photography
Interested in integrating your 3D work with the real world? This might help
# 91 25-01-2008 , 10:25 PM
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im not sure why you dont render her with render layers and alphas on, it will simplify your process, rather than hiding her and using differnt backgrounds. i hope im not coming across rude... but alpha chanels and render layers solve your problems as youve put them.

# 92 27-01-2008 , 10:42 AM
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Thanks arran, yes im still in these proyect, working in this evry once in a while.

Well to tell you the truth wokendreams, I have never work with render layers, I downloaded a video de other day about that, so I will give it a try and see what happends.
Other stuff that happends to me, is that if I for example make a object to big, like 20 meters or something, in the perspective view, starts to desapier, like if the far clip was too short, but I increment that in the preferences, and still is like nothing happend. But my camera works fine if I increment the far clip, it renders everything. So what I do is create cameras for the top, the front and the side, and put the angle of view to 1, or increment the focal length way to much, and it works fine as a orthographic view. Also blocked the rotations of those cameras, so works fine.

# 93 27-01-2008 , 12:52 PM
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I think the prefrences only chnage the cliping plane for new cameras. What I always do is just change each camera's clip plane in the attribute editor, hope that helps.

# 94 29-01-2008 , 03:19 PM
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Well the renders layers help a bit, and they are awesome. It let me render the character like in a pose, but with no bones or joints, I try it that way and it work, because is less information that way, but with the joints didnt render in the city scene, I even just put the ground of the bridge and the character together in just one layer, but like I say it crashed, so I just duplicated everything from the character and deleted the joints.
for the bike I have to export the bike and the ground, with the lights and open a new scene and render just that, and finally compose everything in after effects.

Need to find a better way to solve this, because working like this is maddnes user added image

What do you guys think about the final render?

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# 95 29-01-2008 , 04:48 PM
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that is looking very cool.

2 things are throwing it off i think - her skin looks too bright to me and i think the image on the whole is too red.

but i like this a lot! user added image

# 96 29-01-2008 , 11:44 PM
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hey thats incredible, im loving that scene, incredible

the only crit is the arms look disjointed, like they are bent un-naturally

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# 97 30-01-2008 , 05:24 AM
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Thanks arran.
The thing about the skin is that it is toon shader, dont think that has to look very realistic.. but maybe for the enviroment is looking to bright? I change a bit the color in after effects, because the skin was a little bit more white, and make it a little bit more red like.
And yes I use like a red filter on the whole image, also try like a blue.. but here i post the image without that red filter.. maybe you find this image like a little bit orange, but thats because of a fog like effect that is a little bit orange.

Thanks mirek03.
Maybe i rotate the right arm a little bit to much. I will look into it and try to pose her in diferent way, and on the bike of course.

So here is the render without the red look.

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# 98 30-01-2008 , 07:20 AM
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the new render looks much better imo. The whole thing is kool too! nice work!

# 99 30-01-2008 , 07:32 AM
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Thanks man.. also I think the bike is looking a bit to blurry? But I already correct that in after effects.

This is the render with that correction, and with the red filter!! lol

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# 100 30-01-2008 , 10:07 AM
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well mate, you know what they say..,

if one person crits.., ??

two people crit.., maybe

three people crit.., do something

so far its just me user added image ?

i got to ask, is that a backplate.., or is that a complete scene you have rendered.

Muser added image

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# 101 30-01-2008 , 10:30 AM
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Well mirek03, im going to pose her other ways thats for sure user added image
And it is a complete scene, I can post a wireframe so you can see, but I render in layers because metal ray runs out of memory like I say, and compose everything. Heres the wire.

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# 102 30-01-2008 , 11:42 AM
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breaking my heart mate.., user added image excellent.., im a manga lover too (as wel as set lover), so im doubly loving this user added image

many thanks for the wire

mental ray ???.., what is the setting.., GI, FG, or whats going on there., i like this render though the shadows seem a bit grey.., or the scene doesnt pop somehow (seems too much grey value all round, like the whites are not at 100 or the blacks not at 0 and so the over all colour range is looking, how can i say this.., not its full potential).., but that may be a stylistic choice on your part.., looks great.

im not trying to be picky with the colour, just curious user added image

why is it running out of memory (sorry i should go back over the thread) is it lack of RAM.., or power (processor)

mirek user added image

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Last edited by mirek03; 30-01-2008 at 11:47 AM.
# 103 30-01-2008 , 12:24 PM
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Thank you man. Thanks for the coments

Yes it is metal ray, No GI, just FG with a Dome iluminating and like 1 more light Iluminating sun like.. and I have another light, but just like really soft, like 0.2 intensity. The sun light is like 1.3 in intensity.

Well, the thing for the colors, is that I dont like color to be too saturated, like a red to be too red, and so on.. I think If you bring down saturation a bit, the render is going to look more realistic, at least thats what I think, so I always try to tune up de 3d render colors in a composition program.. also i like to put like a color filter.. to make the image a bit blue, or a bit red, and so on.

Dont know whats happend really, but for so long now im having this issues with the render in maya. In the output window say, metal ray out memory, and it says flushing and stuff like that, and for this proyect it has been a nightmare. My computer at work its fine, it a 2 procesor cpu and 2 GB of ram, maybe is a virus I have that suck up all the memory, or the version of maya im using that has issues with metal ray.. dont know.

But for example one thing that happend to me is that the bike refuses to render in the city scene, even just with the floor, and everything hide, or in other layer, so I export the bike and the floor, and in a new scene, rendered.. also export the light and the camera, of course, well but that render take me like 45 minutes!! but the weird thing is that the bike in his original scene, the time for render it was like 2 minutes, if you go like to page 6 in this post you will see that scene, the bike with some mirror behiend and a floor, so that scene takes like 2 minutes, but why is that just because I exported to other scene and then imported in a new scene, with the same bike and just a floor the time render goes up like that? Its like my maya its having really issues.. Hope I make my self clear.

# 104 30-01-2008 , 03:04 PM
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did you choose 'referance' before import.., and then grouped it.., freeze the transforms and all that?? if you follow the trail back?? its gotta be something.

my Mac is having problems atm, i prefer that, im using the pC atm. waiting for the tach to come (3 weeks now??)

im having issues here too.., merging verts.., the thing crashes.., great eh.., how annoying is that stuff. i dont seem to have problems on that??

totally understand the workflow you have chosen for your colour.., great work flow and one i might steal user added image

maya had a mind of its own.., welcome to the world of maya eh??

same computer at work?? same system.., same version??

i just did some very finicky work on my toon car and then.., crash.., man.., even the file was corrupt.., im doing a scan in a sec.., see if there is something there that shouldnt be.

cheers dude.., great work

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# 105 31-01-2008 , 03:33 AM
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No I didnt choose referance, have never use that one.. but I know where it is. lol.
But yes it was group.

Well, it has to be realy dificult to model something if you cant merge verts.. hope you can fix that.

Yes is a good thing to do, to tune up a little the final render.

Yes is the same version and everything.

Well always remember to save various files, not just one, so if one is corrupt you can come back to a older version and not lose everything.

Thanks dude.

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