breaking my heart mate..,
excellent.., im a manga lover too (as wel as set lover), so im doubly loving this 
many thanks for the wire
mental ray ???.., what is the setting.., GI, FG, or whats going on there., i like this render though the shadows seem a bit grey.., or the scene doesnt pop somehow (seems too much grey value all round, like the whites are not at 100 or the blacks not at 0 and so the over all colour range is looking, how can i say this.., not its full potential).., but that may be a stylistic choice on your part.., looks great.
im not trying to be picky with the colour, just curious 
why is it running out of memory (sorry i should go back over the thread) is it lack of RAM.., or power (processor)
take it easy and life will be easy
Last edited by mirek03; 30-01-2008 at 11:47 AM.