Introduction to Maya - Rendering in Arnold
This course will look at the fundamentals of rendering in Arnold. We'll go through the different light types available, cameras, shaders, Arnold's render settings and finally how to split an image into render passes (AOV's), before we then reassemble it i
# 1 26-03-2008 , 11:32 AM
Tammy's Avatar
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Posts: 32

mel plugin scripting help

I have some questions regarding making a plugin for Maya in the Maya 8.0 Script Editor. But first I would like to show you what I have so far in the Maya Script Editor:
// Made by Spludge Interactive
// Create a window with a some fields for entering text.
string $window = `Custom PaintFX Maker`;
text -label "Load Mesh: ";
string $Mesh = `textField`;
text -label "Load Texture 1: ";
string $Texture1 = `textField`;
text -label "Load Texture 2: ";
string $Texture2 = `textField`;
text -label "Load Texture 3: ";
string $Texture3 = `textField`;
text -label "Load Texture 4: ";
string $Texture4 = `textField`;
text -label "Load Texture 5: ";
string $Texture5 = `textField`;
//Store the file names of the textures and mesh in their own variables.
textField -edit ( $Mesh) $Mesh;
textField -edit ($Texture1) $Texture1;
textField -edit ($Texture2) $Texture2;
textField -edit ($Texture3) $Texture3;
textField -edit ($Texture4) $Texture4;
textField -edit ($Texture5) $Texture5;
showWindow $window;
//Done with window and text fields.

// Make dialog boxes to open mesh and textures.

file -import $Mesh;
return 1;
fileBrowserDialog -m 0 -fc "$Mesh" -ft ".x, .3ds, .obj, .fbx" -om "Import" -ds 1, -wt "Load Mesh";

global proc int importImage( string $Texture1, string $fileType, int -dialogstyle, string -windowTitle )
file -import $Texture1;
return 1;
fileBrowserDialog -m 0 -fc "Texture1" -ft ".bmp, .jpg, .tga, .png" -an "Import_Image" -om "Import" -ds 1, -wt "Open Texture 1 image";

global proc int importImage( string $Texture2, string $fileType, int -dialogstyle, string -windowTitle )
file -import $Texture2;
return 1;
fileBrowserDialog -m 0 -fc "Texture2" -ft ".bmp, .jpg, .tga, .png" -an "Import_Image" -om "Import" -ds 1, -wt "Open Texture 2 image";

global proc int importImage( string $Texture3, string $fileType, int -dialogstyle, string -windowTitle )
file -import $Texture3;
return 1;
fileBrowserDialog -m 0 -fc "Texture3" -ft ".bmp, .jpg, .tga, .png" -an "Import_Image" -om "Import" -ds 1, -wt "Open Texture 3 image";
I am trying to make a mel script in Maya 8.0 that will have a window where you can open a mesh file (like .x, and .3ds), and load up to 5 textures for the mesh (.bmp, .jpg, .tga, .png). Then I want there to be a button that makes the mesh into Maya PaintFX. I have never scripted anything before, even in Maya 8.0. So I am a total noobie at this.

1. Is there a command in the Maya Scipting language that can convert mesh files to paintFX?

2. If there is a command for converting meshes to PaintFX, what is it, and can you give me an example of how to use it please?

3. Are there any "if...then", or "if...then...else" statements/commands in Maya Scripting? If there aren't, is there a workaround for those?

4. How do you make the script into a .mel or .mll file? What's the difference between these two files?
By the way, the top part that says "Made by Spludge Interactive" - Spludge Interactive is just the name of a home business I am starting with my family. We haven't made any complete games to sell yet, and the website i'm working on isn't published yet either. I have started work on some games and graphics for them though.

Thank you

# 2 27-03-2008 , 09:07 AM
t1ck135's Avatar
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1 + 2) as far as I'm aware paintfx creates meshes but I dont think you can create a mesh and use it in paint effects (I might be wrong)

3) an invaluable 'basics' in mel to get you up and running is at:

4) A mel file is just the code that you write and is accessible in maya. A .mll (maya link library) file is a compiled machine code file that does not let you see the underlying code. It is done to substantially speed up the file's execution time.


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