Mel systax
spaceLocator -n temp01_r_armFkA01_loc;
spaceLocator -n temp01_r_armFkA02_loc;
float $locWp1[2]=`getAttr temp01_r_armFkA01_locShape.worldPosition[0]`;
float $locWp2[2]=`getAttr temp01_r_armFkA02_locShape.worldPosition[0]`;
distanceDimension -sp $locWp1 -ep $locWp2;
// Error: Error while parsing arguments. //
I get this error on the distanceDimension line - probably because of how I am trying to pass the coordinates to the start and end point arguments. Can someone tell me how I should do it.
Even this,
$t1="-sp 0 0 0";
distanceDimension $t1 -ep 0 0 0;
does not work. I am just not getting it.
Last edited by ronviers; 10-04-2008 at 03:44 AM.