fixing MoCap Animation
quick explanation of my scene:
-imported motion capture skeleton
-duplicated 1st skeleton and used it as a rigg with control Objects
I parentConstrained the controlObjects (with IK down the hierarchy) from the rigg to the keyJoints like hands, feet root joints from the mocap skel. there are some expressions too for orig_spine_n driving dupe_spine_n that´s for the original imported motion data driving my rigg which works percectly so far.
right now I am trying to figure out how to create translation/rotation offsets within the control objects for some corrections in movement. since all the CTRL-objects have inputConnections in translation and rotation I can´t just key these channels without losing all the keyframe animation input from the initial skeleton. is there some procedure to put on top of the constrain-inputs?
I´m very new to animation here. open for any suggestions.
kind regards
just found an article answered by vladimirjp
I tried this procedure last week allready, but I can´t group the CTRLs to themself and constrain just the group because this way all the rotation values get lost since ->
jointRotx_orig drives shapeRotx_CTRL drives jointRotx_Rigg
if a buffer group is added between orig_ and CTRL_ the flow of input information would stop right there because the child of of a parent doesn´t get any values unless you key it, well...
hope all this isn´t too confusingly presented by me.
everything starts and ends in the right place at the right time.
Last edited by Falott; 13-05-2008 at 12:19 PM.