Introduction to Maya - Rendering in Arnold
This course will look at the fundamentals of rendering in Arnold. We'll go through the different light types available, cameras, shaders, Arnold's render settings and finally how to split an image into render passes (AOV's), before we then reassemble it i
# 76 14-08-2008 , 04:19 AM
Agent_Dick's Avatar
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Hey this is sweet, and my only suggestion would be, cnosidering the narrow and bony profile of the head, when you make the new torso, consider making it very bony and wiry, instead of healthy. You'r current one looks like a tall mesomorph, and i think if you went with a trong ectomorph type body, it will still lend recognizable anatomy while working well with the design. I'm talk ing about things like individually defined ribs, inhumanly high collarbone, that kind of thing. Still, very cool.

The Swindler
Critty please? With sugar on top?
# 77 14-08-2008 , 05:09 AM
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Thanks for the comments!

The book is brilliant. The DVD is also amazing. And yes it is from a group of people working a Tipid studios.
Well worth the low price. I saw the book the other day in Barnes & Noble and it was now only $45- $50 ... If I remember correctly.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestions. I'm going to throw some arms on this guy, and and start etching out his design a bit better. Then once I have a solid base mesh... I'm going to take him in ZB, to really bring him to life.

Should have some updates for you later.

Thanks again!

"Your weapons are no match for ours! People of Mars, surrender!"
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# 78 14-08-2008 , 05:40 AM
lealar's Avatar
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That's really good job and hard work, nice!user added image

# 79 14-08-2008 , 06:57 PM
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Thanks again everyone for all the great comments, and advice.

Todays Update:

Well I have the rest of the body (minus legs(as he's going to be wearing trousers)) modeled. And I have take the mesh into ZBrush for some detailing.

Still early stages, and I'm sure there will be many tweaks, and changes to come user added image


user added image

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user added image

Thanks again!

"Your weapons are no match for ours! People of Mars, surrender!"
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# 80 14-08-2008 , 07:17 PM
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wholly user added image dude!

pretty creative witht he lower torso i see

you should do something like that with the chest too

i'm loving those fingers!

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# 81 14-08-2008 , 07:47 PM
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Hahaa! thanks, Like I said 'early stages'... I will probably be adding more detail to the chest later.

Anyway, Heres a bunch of raw wireframe images of the creature straight from Maya. No SMP user added image I had notice I had not posted many... if I did they were obscure user added image

After all, This thread is about my exploration of organic modeling, So I figured I'd share my wires:

user added image

user added image

user added image

user added image

user added image

user added image


"Your weapons are no match for ours! People of Mars, surrender!"
"Um, this isn't Mars. This is Earth."
"Earth? Earth-with-nuclear-weapons Earth?"
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Last edited by Mayaniac; 14-08-2008 at 08:44 PM.
# 82 15-08-2008 , 01:55 AM
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the hands are looking nice, i'm not getting the knobelly bits on the torso though, they look a bit random, the bicep area, where it joins the torso and the elbow looks quite strange.

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle

Last edited by gster123; 15-08-2008 at 02:11 AM.
# 83 15-08-2008 , 04:06 AM
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Hey, gster123

The bicep/Torso connect could use some work. I will probably just tuck the muscle in some more, as for the elbow... looks fine to me. And the Torso... I kinda liked the overly prominent ribcage. Maybe if I make the skin stretch a bit better over them to the stomach... maybe that will make it seem more believable?


"Your weapons are no match for ours! People of Mars, surrender!"
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# 84 15-08-2008 , 08:01 AM
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I dunno, for me though they dont fit into the model, sort of plumped up type alien with bones showing...???

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 85 15-08-2008 , 09:22 AM
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Ok, I'll have a play with a few things user added image

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# 86 15-08-2008 , 11:03 AM
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Here we go:

Attached Thumbnails

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# 87 15-08-2008 , 02:12 PM
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dude thats looking so much better and more alien like

# 88 17-08-2008 , 09:33 AM
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Thanks, younglion

I managed to get some more work done on my character today. He is now whole.

Still lots of work to do, and I can see some probs right now, but as said lots to do.

Still have to take the whole thing into ZB user added image

Couple picks:

user added image

user added image

user added image

user added image


"Your weapons are no match for ours! People of Mars, surrender!"
"Um, this isn't Mars. This is Earth."
"Earth? Earth-with-nuclear-weapons Earth?"
[long pause] "Friend!!"
# 89 17-08-2008 , 12:33 PM
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he has pants!

and any chance of making real boots like that? user added image

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# 90 17-08-2008 , 02:42 PM
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those are some great boots.

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