Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 16 04-01-2009 , 06:56 AM
ctbram's Avatar
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Looks okay but you need to work on your lighting for the renders. Much of the gun is just black with no discernible detail.

# 17 04-01-2009 , 04:00 PM
R-Tillery's Avatar
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The way the clip is set on your gun looks like it wont come off. Like if it was one whole piece. No gap between the trigger and the clip.

And the barrel comes to a point at the end of the gun yours looks like it one thickness all the way across and not smooth, like some one to a hammer to it.

The whole gun looks like it was one polygon extruded out of one block.

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# 18 06-01-2009 , 07:22 AM
ben hobden's Avatar
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I get this more and more at the moment. I listen to other people and then....damn it. The barrel did squash in towards the end when i first made. I got some comments that it looked odd, and i thought it was strange when i was modelling, so i went back and took it out. The whole thing was built pretty much out of one block. The barrel and underneath wood bit are seperate, but the rest of it is one thing. Isn't that a good thing?

I see what you mean about the clip and the trigger areas merging.

Im just liking the fact at the minute that ive got through two projects having modelled, uv'd and made bump, colour and spec maps. This is really the first time I have, so I feel I have a new/better understanding of the whole process. Three weeks ago, bump and spec maps, uv layout, e.t.c, was still hit or miss for me. Ive taken alot of confidence and learned alot from making this. Ive followed it up with something slightly smaller. The thompson took me on and off about 2 weeks. This below, so far, has taken me three days

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# 19 06-01-2009 , 01:56 PM
Chirone's Avatar
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hey nice revolver

you know, if you knew you were right before with the funky dent in the thompson you should have said so with a reference like R-Tillery said

does a revolver have that inconsistent type of bump on its handle (i don't know correct terminology for guns...)

that's a "Ch" pronounced as a "K"

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# 20 06-01-2009 , 03:04 PM
honestdom's Avatar
The Nurb Herd
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nice work ben, you are definitely improving.

keep it up!

# 21 06-01-2009 , 04:49 PM
ben hobden's Avatar
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chirone. cheers. yeah the bend was in the reference, but i thought it strange, so when the first two crits i got pointed it out as odd aswell i just went with it. And to me it did actually look better. But now I think I've changed my mind!!? I'm worried that if i start changing the geometry wont that mean re-mapping it all. I guess that would be a good experiment for me to try.

hammer. cheers hammer. I think so. I've started seeing the different aspects of maya like the colours of traffic lights, with red being beginner and green being advanced. I was red on everything except hard-surface modeeling( im still scared of character/organic stuff), which was getting towards amber. Now uv mapping and texturing are starting to get a bit more orangey too!user added image

Heres the ref for the Smith and Wesson

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