Actually my question is does clean topology mean always square shaped quads?
As u can see in the picture that they are still quads but due to sculpting their shape has been deformed at a great deal.I am gonna redo the UV map because the topology has been changed....am i right?
Is these deformed quads will create any problem in the future???(The model is gonna textured and rigged later on)
Finally, one more question, sometimes to get ride of one single triangle i am being forced to make more like 50 quads!!!Should i do that to avoid just a simple triangle?OR i will do it, if the triangle is in important part of the model where skin weight will take place!!
Actually why quads are so necessary?Once i read that quad helps while skin weight is being distributed.Is that the only one??
Is there anyone who can describe me fully WHY quads are so important??
Sometimes i import another model frm another software.when i import i find that the mesh is triangulated.To have a better view of the topology i do this MESH > QUADRANGULATE.Is this a good way?..cause some times it results in very distorted topology!
Are the triangulate/quadrangulate under the mesh menu r effective to have a good result??