I got myself an Sony DSC-P71 Cyber-Shot, and after fiddling with this gizmo in the middle of night, I can conclude two things;
1) The usability and overall impression is... quite impressive. THE most facinating aspect, is the 120000 pixel LED screen, which (I dare say)could act as a mini-mini-tv if such an feature existed.
Downloading via usb to the computer is fast and pretty easy and straight forward.
2) The only thing that puzzles me (actually I'm happy with this purchase, but...) is that the pics is stored as jpeg's, with either "fine" or "standard" mode (I haven't see a difference yet). I've seen other cameras having the tif? format as storage format, and I wonder if the pic would be less grainy on plain diffuse surfaces with a different format. Anyway, with a maximum pic-size of QXGA, well... I guess it's good for something

Well, as a third thing, I want to mention the battery life, which for a first use is impressive (I feel), considering the horrifying reviews about digital cameras on the web, telling about "huge" power drains. I have fiddled with the camera for almost two hous now and I still cannot see a degrading on the battery indicator (but I have also fiddled with photoshop in the meantime, thus the camera was shut down).
It has a mpeg recording function, which could be fun.
Below is a... kind of commemorative of a maya-project lost due to formatting of the hdd.