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# 1 10-06-2009 , 08:56 PM
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More Z4

haha this is going to take things to another level again. Judging by a comment from renowned zbrush beta artist Alex Oliver, he says its just a small preview....roll on august, and mudbox can keep its maya interface for all that its worth.....


# 2 10-06-2009 , 09:24 PM
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:eek3: I think I'm going to cry!

MudBox?... whats Mudbox?

..... Can't wait! All we need now are animation features, and then everything else can bog off!

ZB4 is a free upgrade, but tbh.... Pixologic could charge anything they liked for ZB.... and it would still sell.
Thanks for the linkage! user added image

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# 3 10-06-2009 , 09:32 PM
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I know its awsome,the pixologic dudes are sooo generous - you dont get that anywhere else....


# 4 10-06-2009 , 09:37 PM
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ZB4 looks really good… I like that they're improving the polypainting experience. Honestly though, I think GoZ should have already been in ZB3. Can't wait to see the other new features, although the thing I'm hoping for the most is improved performance and a bug-less experience.

Hopefully their PR is a little bit better this year and they get the product out on time.

# 5 10-06-2009 , 09:41 PM
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The program impresses the shit out of me - just wish they would get rid of that really rubbish non natural user interface. You would think after all the bitching it gets (and lets face it - its the only real complaint - apart from mac users) they would have done something by now.

I really like that Z-it button between maya and zbrush

# 6 11-06-2009 , 03:14 AM
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hmm, is Z getting too discombobulated?

i see a trend with each release, 'work-arounds'

there is no solid workflow... at this point they are just throwing stuff on there; if its useful great, if not its still there. i use probably 4 sculpting tools in Z and 2 features for texture painting.
they just need to make a solid methodical workflow, not quick add-ons, or z-scripts. i just want a solid app with a solid architecture.
this is just eye candy at this point

# 7 11-06-2009 , 07:05 AM
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Looks pretty cool, anyone remember the ability to browse the web in maya, that was niftey to load up images in a panel for reference.

Though I hope that they simply add layers to the poly paint, that would help a lot.

Yeah Vlad, I've got a slight tendancy to agree, though I feel that epople use it for different things at different points in their workflow so it kinda fit.

JrWho, although the goZ is good and speeds up the workflow by intergrating theres a tendancy to loose control and go for a quick fix with it when planning and prep and understanding would have hlped out more than clicking a button.

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 8 11-06-2009 , 08:55 AM
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LOL, Vlad Vlad....looking at this video theyve fixed certain 'work arounds' and theres still more to come. A little premature in trashing it this early....

With regard to workflow, no software has a workflow its just all tools of similar sort - just a means to an end, the rest is for the artist to create a workflow and whats going to help him or her most to get there.

Also I only use specific tool and menus for my own workflow, probably ten at the most, and in maya I probably use the same - are you telling me you use ALL the tools in XSI? I dont think you do, you have a workflow and faves that get the job done - horses for courses as they say....

If theres one thing I'd like - its hoping they get rid of the code generator for dis maps and just have a one button solution for each bit of software.


# 9 11-06-2009 , 09:52 AM
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it looks pretty sweet, being able to bring in pictures like that and (i'm assuming) projecting them onto the model

i have to agree with Jay on the whole tools thing, and just because you don't use certain tools doesn't mean someone else isn't going to either

if they don't have layers then you could use photoshop extended? i get the idea that adobe is trying to counter pixologic because zbrush looks like the perfect 3D texturing tool, who needs 2D programs when you can paint straight onto the mesh?

that's a "Ch" pronounced as a "K"

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# 10 11-06-2009 , 10:52 AM
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Originally posted by Chirone

if they don't have layers then you could use photoshop extended?

Could do but the addition of layers cant be such a hard thing to incorporate can it, in the big picture.

Plus I dont want to have to go out and buy/upgrade another bit of software just to use 1 feature of it.

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 12 11-06-2009 , 01:21 PM
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Originally posted by Jay

Also I only use specific tool and menus for my own workflow, probably ten at the most, and in maya I probably use the same - are you telling me you use ALL the tools in XSI? I dont think you do, you have a workflow and faves that get the job done - horses for courses as they say....


nah, of course not. but by 'workflow' i mean a set way to do one thing, for instance if i want an image plane in maya or xsi i dont need 'z scripts' or workarounds to do so.
if i want 4 split screen when i sculpt or model i dont need a zscript, to see my texture library, i dont need a zscript. for me to use PS layer in photoshop, i dont need a zscript [zApplink], if i want to create a light, i create a light and know exactly the result i am getting, not guess work, or if i want to create a shader, i can simply create a shading node, like in EVERY other DCC apps i know of. those things make Z really cumbersome and time consuming. im not having a go at Z, but they should focus on making a solid application instead of just bits and pieces of semi-usefull tools. at the end of the day, i dont think too many people use most of ZB's "features"
they just seem impressive in pixologic's preview videos.
my 2 cent.:p

# 13 11-06-2009 , 02:27 PM
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# 14 11-06-2009 , 03:46 PM
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yeah I know you arent having a go mate

Interesting, as its all swings and roundabouts, maya, lightwave and max use plugins to do various stuff so I think thats of moot point. Plugins are a necessary evil...though some more useful than others as is always the case.

Workflow is laid out in my opinion...import, sculpt, paint, dismaps, export, - done

Personally Ive always looked at Z as a complimentry package to the main hitters. Not as an entity by itself.


# 15 11-06-2009 , 03:49 PM
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Originally posted by Jay

Personally Ive always looked at Z as a complimentry package to the main hitters. Not as an entity by itself.

It's kinda getting there now, what with all the topology tools etc etc, for modeling that is, but you would need another package to make the most of your models.

Lovely package though and cant wait to get me mits on Z4.

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
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