Hey everyone. So I’m kind of done with finishing this short animation that I’m doing. I've done a playblast so that u can see it before render.
Since this is my first ever short animation, i just hope its alright.
Here is a short brief of my animation
" i wanted to keep my characters in a world of a one eye creatures"
“There are 2 characters one green and one yellow with armor"
“The green is call Boogy and the Yellow is called Gingo"
- so the story start off with a Boogy petting his animal "
then Gingo wakes up, and he's really hungry.
- Gingo then see's boogy's animal and he wants to eat it.
- Gingo then goes up to Boogy and tells him i want to eat ur animal, then Boogy says "no please dont eat him".
-Gingo hits Boogy to get his animal, BUT suddenly a weird sound occurred, Gingo then turns his head around and Shouts.
- he then charges to that area with Boogy and his pet.
- When they have reached they start to talk to each other saying "WHAT in the world is this" ( in their monster language which will have subtitle under final render animation ).
- they then start hitting the tank to check wat it is, Gingo then goes in the tank and Boogy start jumping happily on top of the tank.
- Gingo then finds a shinny thing in the tank and which will be a button written FIRE on it, in his head he thinks FIRE = camp fire.. So he sums up that, camp fire + Boogy's animal is equal to a delicious meal...
- Then just before he presses the button, Boogy coincidently is looking thru the Tank’s turret Hole
- Gingo Presses the button and BOOOOM!!!!!
- boogy takes a hard hit in the face
- Gingo then rushes out of the tank and goes to see wat happened, and he finds out that there is no fire and no meal only Boogy on the floor.
-Gingo then Laughs at Boogy.
- Gingo then takes the opportunity to taking Boogy's pet for a nice Feast
- The final scene will be after the credits and it will be showing that Boogy is still alive and crying because Gingo is eating his pet.
Well I was just doing this short for learning purposes and I have learned a lot, and I thank you guyz for ur help as well. Just remember its my first. 
so anyways ive Uploaded it in Youtube for u guyz 2 see.
Last edited by Lion`I; 06-08-2009 at 08:21 PM.