Originally posted by stwert
Would setting a driven key not work? Just an idea...
it would if you knew the limits of the translate z and rotate x, but i'm guessing davis doesn't know that so an expression would be better
nurbs.curve translate Z = poly.surface1 rotate X*5
heh, not quite what you were describing in words 
that says you want the tranzlate z to be 5 times the rotate x, what you said in words is you want the rotate x to be 5 times the translate z
so, what you do is this..
1. go Window > Animation Editor > Expression Editor
2. (not sure if you need to have the poly object you want rotated to be selected, but i had it when i tried this) in the expression text box at the bottom type this:
pCylinder1.rotateX = curve1.translateZ * 5;
where pCylinder1 is the name of your polygon object you want rotated
and curve1 is the name of the curve object you want to drive the rotation
3. check that you have the names of the objects spelt correctly. (i think if you have spelling errors it'll yell at you telling you some objects don't exist)
4. give the expression a name (so you can find it and modify it easily later if need be)
5. hit edit, test it by moving your curve along the z axis and see if the polygon rotates
..hope that makes sense..
that's a "Ch" pronounced as a "K"
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