/* -------------------- toggleXray v1.0 -------------------- Created: Dec 15, 2002 Modified: Dec 15, 2002 -------------------- Danny Ngan dannyn@mac.com https://www.dannyngan.com -------------------- Toggles Xray mode on/off in the active view panel. Works best when mapped to a hotkey. -------------------- */ global proc toggleXray() { $currentPanel = `getPanel -withFocus`; $state = `modelEditor -q -xray $currentPanel`; modelEditor -edit -xray (!$state) $currentPanel; }
/* -------------------- toggleWireframeShaded v1.0 -------------------- Created: Dec 15, 2002 Modified: Dec 15, 2002 -------------------- Danny Ngan dannyn@mac.com https://www.dannyngan.com -------------------- Toggles Wireframe on Shaded mode on/off in the active view panel. Works best when mapped to a hotkey. -------------------- */ global proc toggleWireframeShaded() { $currentPanel = `getPanel -withFocus`; $state = `modelEditor -q -wos $currentPanel`; modelEditor -edit -wos (!$state) $currentPanel; }