Introduction to Maya - Rendering in Arnold
This course will look at the fundamentals of rendering in Arnold. We'll go through the different light types available, cameras, shaders, Arnold's render settings and finally how to split an image into render passes (AOV's), before we then reassemble it i
# 1 31-10-2009 , 02:14 PM
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Posts: 11

Strobe light

I'm guessing the best way to go about making a strobe would be by using an expression. Problem is, i cant come up with what the "if" statement should be.:headbang:

I need to be a really fast strobe, like every other frame, or there abouts. I do hope I wont need to rwrite an if statement for each frame in the animation.user added image

Or maybe an SDK would be a better way to go? I havent even begun how to do it that way, so if anyone has a clue, one way or the other, I would much appreciate it.:bow:

# 2 31-10-2009 , 06:22 PM
Join Date: Dec 2005
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don't know the syntax, but something like:

if frame is even, on, frame odd, off

so if frame/2 == int(frame/2), then on, else off

# 3 01-11-2009 , 01:08 AM
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Re: Strobe light

the psuedocode you'd be looking for is something like

if ( frame is even ) 
then light.intensity = 1;
else light.intensity = 0;
to tell if the frame is even or not you could use the modulus operator (that's the %)

alternatively you can keyframe the light intensity and make the animation cycle in the graph editor

Originally posted by Jeremy2112
Or maybe an SDK would be a better way to go? I havent even begun how to do it that way, so if anyone has a clue, one way or the other, I would much appreciate it.:bow:

what? doesn't the SDK come with maya? that's why you can use it in Maya...

that's a "Ch" pronounced as a "K"

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# 4 01-11-2009 , 06:57 AM
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Oh, my bad, by SDK I was referring to a Set Driven Key. I could have been more clear about that.

As for the bit of code there, it all makes sense, but I can't quite get the syntax right. also if you could explain the modulus operator a little.

I might go ahead and explain that this is basically the first time I am trying to use expressions, outside of copy/pasting snippets of code from various tutorials.


I got it working with this little bit here :
pointLightShape1.intensity=time%2; :attn:

Which brings me to the next step:

I need this to drive the visibility if an object. The issue now is, I already have the visibility of the geometry being controlled by an expression, so in this case I will be need it to be a set driven key. Problem is, I cant figure out how to get the pointLightShape to load as the driver. I can only get the pointLight itself, which does not have an intensity attribute.

Supposing I could alter the expression to be on the pointLight visibility, rather than the pointLightShape?

I suppose this would be a good time to explain exactly what I am trying to do here, which is the muzzle-flash of a Gatling Gun. I have a group of Nurbs that serves as the actual glow/flame of the muzzle-flash. I have the expression for visibility on that set, so that it is only visible when the barrels are rotating. I now need for it to flash on and off it time with the pointLight.

Last edited by Jeremy2112; 01-11-2009 at 07:28 AM.
# 5 01-11-2009 , 05:57 PM
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Toronto
Posts: 3,374
Try using the connection editor instead of a driven key... might work for you.

I think you could connect the intensity of the light to the visibility of the object.

# 6 01-11-2009 , 08:21 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 11
That is a feature I have never used... I'll have to look into it. Thanks.

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