Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 16 10-05-2010 , 10:40 PM
bullet1968's Avatar
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WOW mate,

that is REALLY good, I am very impressed with it so far. You have put a LOT of effort into it by the looks of it, and researched heaps by the sounds of it!!!!! I can understand the brain melt..bahahahah!!

Looks very well planned and thought out mate, I cannot wait to see the end result. I hope you will have enough time to finish it properly and not rush it??? It would be sad to see it rushed due to time constraints.

chhers bullet

PS keep up the outstanding work mate!!!!


"A Darkness at Sethanon", a book I aspire to model some of the charcters and scenes
# 17 11-05-2010 , 04:58 PM
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New update:

Today I had a bad stomach, so I didn`t got to work either work on this project.:headbang:
But now is slow process anyway. I took my base male base model and pose it, as racer should be in the vehicle.
I changed the pose a little from the first scketch, as I saw in some motorcycle racers pictures, the legs was positioned more to the front, and seems this is the best pose to hold the body against the g force in high speed.
Also the lenght of all the vehicle, I realised after posing the racer, and placing the engine I would need more space.

It is not final, but just a simple silhouette of the vehicle will allow me to start thinking on the chasis (defenetly I will not be making all the chasis skeleton, it is more as reference to keep me inform of the size and alignment, and where goes what)

The shape of the vehicle is similar to F1, but the design I`m planning to go more "street" kind of look. (I will be basing on S14 Silvia Nissan, it is really popular in Japan for street racer "I will not post any pics here since I`m not sure if it legal to post others people car, but later I will post mine car pic. (it is the same S14)")
I still need to do the research, but some key points that it is clear to focus on concept is:
Side Skirts, Bumpers, Wheels design, carbon bonnet, fog lamp, Led lamp, etc...
All the attribute to keep the cars sexy.

But this will come after I plan all the chasis.

Bullet: Thanks for the comment, really keep me motivated.

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# 18 12-05-2010 , 10:10 AM
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here it go, this is Silvia S14, my current car.
The reason I`m choosing, it is because I believe either now or in the future, street racers would not be able to afford too expencise vehicles, but still need to look cool.
Small damages will also give the look that has being pushed to the limit in many ways.
This will be bit difficult to implement in Syd Mead style, because his style is more about beautiness, but if I go too much shine clean design I will be ending up more like super car looking with I don`t want.

Maybe my thought is bit risky, since the demand for the comp. it is to make something with is Syd style.

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# 19 16-05-2010 , 08:43 AM
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trying to define more the details.
Red Lines is the outline of the vehicle.
Blue lines will be where the light would go, as Syd "Blade Runner" style, has some black or neon lights on the vehicle, I plan try to do the similar.
Yellow lines are the Chrome lines, Syd vehicle is based more in his young times cars with is 70~80 some even comes from 60`s(like the fish tails), and vehicles at the time use to have alot of those chrome lines on the fender and sides.(would be more like putting some charm to the vehicle)
Green lines will be the bumper, and side skirt, and parts that make the vehicle sexy.(not defined yet)

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# 20 16-05-2010 , 10:13 AM
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Maaattttteeeee thats lookin bloody cool man!!!!! Can I have a ride??!!!!

Starting to come together well mate, hope you make the deadline? Cant wait for the colour scheme, I hope its going to be a dirty desert (Dakar) racer mate??? LOL gotta have the dirt man.

cheers bullet

P.S I wouldnt mind seeing that with some military hardware on it!!! I reckon it would look cool with some pulse canons on it.


"A Darkness at Sethanon", a book I aspire to model some of the charcters and scenes
# 21 20-05-2010 , 09:44 PM
murambi's Avatar
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cant wait to see mi_car paint shader combined with sss
this will be interesting

# 22 12-06-2010 , 02:38 PM
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Ok, this will be quite a "jump" from last update post.
Sorry for not update frequently my WIP, some it is because of some changes that I needed to do on my base idea, so end up a bit different from the concept that I was thinking from the beginning, but this is all to make it "functional" and more as "racer" point of view, like the wheels on the stabilizer, those are just cover, before I had 3 boost on each front stabilizer, but I decided to have only 1 big boost, and put the "wheel" cover, as custom, just to remind the old time car that needed to have wheel.
"Fashion is always on the loop, they just build on top of old methology". (Just mine methology)

*Those are just test material (I switched to Max already), just some metal look material). Final image will have some color, stripes, dirt, etc...

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# 23 12-06-2010 , 02:46 PM
gster123's Avatar
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Wow, Looks great!

And chance of an occlusion render?

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# 24 12-06-2010 , 04:26 PM
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That dose look great hope to see it texture............dave

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# 25 13-06-2010 , 12:40 AM
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All I can say is WWWOOOOOOWWWWWWW man!!!!! That is looking REALLY bloody good mate. Did you make the deadline?

Cheers bullet


"A Darkness at Sethanon", a book I aspire to model some of the charcters and scenes
# 26 02-07-2010 , 05:19 PM
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I finished my NVIArt entry work.
I haven`t posted much WIP since my test render because of UV mapping work that was causing too many crashes in my PC.
I was going to have many UV channel for different details, but at the end I needed to compress just to 1 because of the crashes.
Seems many UV channel make my PC memory usage too high.

Anyway here is the link to my work.(I cannot post my work here yet, until the comp. is decided "even I`m not too confident, too many great art works in the competition")

Both I rendered in many stages (background, middle ground, and vehicle), also because my PC was smoking if I try to render all in once.

Strange because I don`t have so many polys, or textures, maybe it is the lighting.

So in the end I had just 2 day to work on both renders, and the background is blur because I couldn`t achive a good texturing and modelling to show in detail.
Well sounds like excuse, but the true is others people with great art work had more organization and workflow.
1 thing I learn in this comp. is to upgrade my PC, and set a longer period for render test for final composition, or will end up like this, no even time to retouch in photoshop,b just layer it up with all messup lighting.
Honestly not too happy with the result, my work looks like "plastic toy", but in other hand I will keep continuing this model after comp. here in Simply site to get until the level I wanted to achive.

Ah, end more, Brazil just lost FIFA.
I have to tell, today is not my day.

# 27 03-07-2010 , 12:06 AM
bullet1968's Avatar
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It still looks good mate..despite the flaws you pointed out. A pity your PC couldnt handle it eh??? Maybe it needed some Viagra? Good luck with it..hey the show aint over til its over man..

P.S I had wondered where you got to!!! now I know bahaa

cheers bullet


"A Darkness at Sethanon", a book I aspire to model some of the charcters and scenes
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