Real Time Redraws - Tortoise Speeds
O.K. I have an Athlon 1.2 ghz box with a GeForce4 Ti200 with 128mb RAM in it. I have modelled the creature from the Maya 4 Fundamentals book and have put a basic rig on it. I am now in the process of doing a walk cycle for it.
Thing is it is not that complicated a model but it is bloody slow watching it in real time. I am not impressed I would have thought that it would move faster with this spec machine - its like watching a tortoise. Does anyone out there know of a way to speed things up!
I have attached a pick below to show the geometry of the model and how far I have got. I am used to Animation Master and I find that models that are more complicated than this move faster in this program am I not pushing a certain button. I have the latest drivers installed.
Tickety boo and ta ta for a bit...