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# 16 21-12-2010 , 10:28 PM
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i'm afraid i'm not familiar with the water fog thing, but we made the light rays in this using the same method i mentioned in your WIP thread.
(RGB fluid container with a spotlight shining through it. the spotlight has a caustics ocean thing gobo.)

YouTube - Cadbury's - Spots vs Stripes (Official 2012 Olympics Sponsorship Ad)

imo, the surface ripples in your first image post seems too repetitive and you lose the feeling of depth. in the cadbury's ad there is little surface visibility at what is perhaps a shallower depth. If you saw less surface ripple it might also make it easier for you.
just a thought. user added image

# 17 21-12-2010 , 11:40 PM
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 23
Thanks once again for posting...really like the Cadbury spot....

I've been gobo'ing spot light rays in through an ocean shader with a time expression...but I do want to try your RGB method...haven't got to it but it looks great in the vid...

And yep I agree. That's just a stock ocean shader...once I did my first render with the bands all else was abandoned.

One thing that stands out for me in the Cadbury is the total internal reflection simulation in the spot...that was great too...very nice work...are you saying volume caustics?

I've been using raytracing through transparency to get the affect where there is a hole in the ocean surface that you can see is also reflecting the sub...seems to work pretty good....but I like your version a lot more.

Much to learn here....

No luck on the fog banding. It even looks worse in 32-bit.

I will need to find a different means to simulate a light to dark underwater ocean...and do some fog in post compositing...once the decay is involved there seems to be no solution.

What I really need to do is to find a consultant...

Thanks again..

# 18 24-12-2010 , 08:32 PM
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That commercial is so pretty. The cheerleader crabs were cute.

Dabu, all my 16 and 32 bit tests with different formats turned up bandy, maybe that way of creating fog just doesn't playing nice with higher bit depth and I wish I knew why. The fluid container method Dom mentioned or even a plopping an MR volume shader -> sound more dependable.

- Genny
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# 19 26-12-2010 , 05:58 PM
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Posts: 23
Wow, thanks Genny that is very kind of you to go through that process...much much appreciated.

Sometimes I wonder about Maya...and its too bad because it[envfog] does create a great underwater environment...

I can see some argument since it is really an option in the Maya Software render...but alas I can create the same banding using Maya I would assume Autodesk must be aware of this...

For now, my workaround is compositing an MR render and a render using Maya Software for the fog.

But I definitely need to learn use volume shaders and and volume caustics etc...and a million other things.

I can see now why people specialize...

Thanks all...when I get a decent sequence I'll post...

Last edited by dabu; 26-12-2010 at 06:03 PM.
# 20 26-12-2010 , 07:21 PM
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That's a great ad, I like the music added as well. Must have been a fun project to work on.

Those lighting tutorials are interesting, I was reading them a while back. Like Genny said, if you throw in a mr node instead like the parti volume shader you'll find a lot more info than you would for Maya's environment fog because this one is used in 3ds max as well where more exteriors and scenes like this is done. And even if it's a bit different you should be able to get the info translated to maya and there is a lot of it on many blogs. So it might be a better way to go.
Off topic dabu, are you the guy who posted up a thread many months ago that you were going to make an underwater sub but you never used maya before?

# 21 27-12-2010 , 12:32 AM
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Posts: 23

Off topic dabu, are you the guy who posted up a thread many months ago that you were going to make an underwater sub but you never used maya before? yep!....

# 22 27-12-2010 , 01:14 AM
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Well done dabu! It sounded like a bit much to take on for someone new to Maya, I was close to suicide just trying to aim a spot or model a chairuser added image Nice work to stick with it, I look forward to seeing the final result when you get there.

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